Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (TIRPAA) et du Protocole de Nagoya (PN) sur l’Accès et le Partage des Avantages (APA) que Madagascar a respectivement ratifié en 2006 et en 2014, un projet conjoint de...
Bioversity International
[Rapport d'etudes sur les enquete de base du project 'Mise en oeuvre mutuellement soutenue du Protocole de Nagoya et de Trait International sur les Ressources Phytog n tiques pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture]
Rapport d'etudes sur les enquete de base du project 'Mise en oeuvre mutuellement soutenue du Protocole de Nagoya et de Trait International sur les Ressources Phytog n tiques pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture
This household survey provided an overview of the production and livelihood systems of 88 households in three communities in Chiquimula district of Guatemala. The communities surveyed were among those targeted by the programme “Linking agrobiodiversity value chains, climate adaptation and nutriti...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Underutilized crops in the production systems, livelihoods and diets of farmers in Chiquimula, Guatemala: Baseline results from the programme “Linking agrobiodiversity value chains, climate adaptation and nutrition: Empowering the poor to manage risk”]
Underutilized crops in the production systems, livelihoods and diets of farmers in Chiquimula, Guatemala: Baseline results from the programme “Linking agrobiodiversity value chains, climate adaptation and nutrition: Empowering the poor to manage risk”
Bioversity went into 2007 in a less-than-optimal financial position. A combination of unforeseen circumstances, which reduced our expected income, left us below the recommended level of reserves. But the organization was well prepared, and we are very pleased to be able to report that we ended th...