Water-use efficient sorghum (7) and pearl millet (5) forages were
compared with reference maize forage as silage tested with Nellore
Brown sheep. Mean silage organic matter intake was 352, 297 and
137g!d in maize, sorghum and pearl millet silage, respectively Current
pearl millet forage cultivars...
Vinutha, K.S.
Khan, A.A.
Prakasham, R.S.
Srinivas Raol, P.
Ravi, D.
Prasad, K.V.S.V.
Ramana Reddy, Y.
Blümmel, Michael
[Comparisons of ensiled maize, sorghum and pearl millet forages fed to sheep]
Comparisons of ensiled maize, sorghum and pearl millet forages fed to sheep
The rapid changes in the scientific know how of the science of animal nutrition have taken place in last two decades. There is a much felt need for a text book of advanced animal nutrition for students form Asian and other developing countries. This book is written in a very simple illustrative a...
Blümmel, Michael
Anandan, S.
Wright, I.
[Improvement of feed resources and livestock feeding in mixed cropping systems]
Improvement of feed resources and livestock feeding in mixed cropping systems
Rice straw from sixteen cultivars were analyzed for crude protein
(CP), neutral (NDF) and acid (ADF) detergent fiber, acid detergent
lignin (ADL), Silica, in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and
metabolizable energy (ME) at the time of harvest and after three
months of storage under she...
Sharada, P.
Venkateswarlu, G.
Reddy, C.R.K.
Prasad, K.V.S.V.
Ravi, D.
Jyothi, B.
Subba Rao, I.V.
Ramana Reddy, Y.
Blümmel, Michael
[Effect of cultivar and storage on laboratory quality traits of rice straw]
Effect of cultivar and storage on laboratory quality traits of rice straw
Blümmel, Michael
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Teufel, Nils
Wright, Iain A.
[Dual-purpose crop development, fodder trading and processing options for improved feed value chains]
Dual-purpose crop development, fodder trading and processing options for improved feed value chains
Blümmel, Michael
Garg, M.R.
Jones, Christopher S.
Baltenweck, Isabelle
Staal, Steven J.
[Animal nutrition approaches for profitable livestock operations and sustainable rural livelihoods]
Animal nutrition approaches for profitable livestock operations and sustainable rural livelihoods
Pearl millet is a source of both food grains for humans and dry fodder for their ruminant
livestock in the semi-arid and arid tropics of Asia and Africa. Recently, pearl millet has occupied
large areas during summer season in India and is also in great demand in central
Asian countries for cultiv...
Gupta, S.K.
Ghouse, S.K.C.
Atkari, D.G.
Blümmel, Michael
[Pearl millet with higher stover yield and better forage quality: Identification of new germplasm and cultivars]
Pearl millet with higher stover yield and better forage quality: Identification of new germplasm and cultivars
Blümmel, Michael
Toye, Philip G.
Okeyo Mwai, Ally
Wright, Iain A.
Randolph, Thomas F.
Staal, Steven J.
[Importance of livestock and the technological and policy challenges facing the development of livestock in Africa]
Importance of livestock and the technological and policy challenges facing the development of livestock in Africa
Mixed crop livestock systems provide the majority of the cereal and livestock domestic products for households in developing countries. We explore the question of whether such systems can respond to increasing demands for livestock products without compromising future livelihoods of the poor or t...
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Herrero, Mario T.
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Grings, Elaine E.
Blümmel, Michael
[Pathways for sustainable development of mixed crop livestock systems: Taking a livestock and pro-poor approach]
Pathways for sustainable development of mixed crop livestock systems: Taking a livestock and pro-poor approach
Haileslassie, Amare
Craufurd, Peter Q.
Blümmel, Michael
Reddy, R.
[Framework for comprehensive entry points to improve livestock water productivity in forage based livestock systems]
Framework for comprehensive entry points to improve livestock water productivity in forage based livestock systems
Genetic control of the lignification process through use of brown mid-rib (bmr) mutations has offered the most direct and productive approach to reducing lignin concentration and increasing digestibility of sorghums. Brown midrib genes were introgressed from IS 21888 (bmr-3) and IS 21891(bmr-8) i...
Umakanth, A.V.
Bhat, B.V.
Blümmel, Michael
Aruna, C.
Seetharama, N.
Patil, J.V.
[Yield and stover quality of brown mid-rib mutations in different genetic backgrounds of sorghum]
Yield and stover quality of brown mid-rib mutations in different genetic backgrounds of sorghum