The projected impacts of climate change are significant, and despite the uncertainties associated with current climate and ecosystem model projections, the associated changes in the provision of forest ecosystem services are expected to be substantial in many parts of the world. These impacts wil...
Osman-Elasha, B.
Parrotta, J.A.
Adger, N.
Brockhaus, M.
Colfer, C.J.P.
Sohngen, B.
Dafalla, T.
Joyce, L.A.
Nkem, J.
Robledo, C.
[Future socio-economic impacts and vulnerability]
Future socio-economic impacts and vulnerability
The development of national REDD+ strategies has progressed. Common challenges include establishing appropriate national institutions that link into ongoing processes; ensuring high level government commitment; achieving strong coordination within governments and between state and non-state actor...
Peskett, L.
Brockhaus, M.
[When REDD+ goes national: a review of realities, opportunities and challenges]
When REDD+ goes national: a review of realities, opportunities and challenges
Brockhaus, M.
Kambire, H.
[Decentralization: a window of opportunity for successful adaptation to climate change]
Decentralization: a window of opportunity for successful adaptation to climate change
Deforestation, forest degradation, and land-use change are a major source of carbon emissions. The Copenhagen Accord recognised the crucial role of reducing emissions from deforestation, emphasized the role of forests in climate change mitigation, and called for the immediate establishment of a R...
Kanninen, M.
Brockhaus, M.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Nabuurs, G.J.
[Harnessing forests for climate change mitigation through REDD+: challenges and opportunities]
Harnessing forests for climate change mitigation through REDD+: challenges and opportunities
An increasing number of global, complex, interacting environmental and socio-economic drivers of change affect forests and society. This new book presents and discusses the challenges and opportunities related to the global drivers of change and the ways to reduce their adverse effects as well as...
Locatelli, Bruno
Brockhaus, M.
Buck, A.
Thompson, I
Bahamondez, C.
Murdock, T.
Roberts, G.
Webbe, J.
[Forests and adaptation to climate change: challenges and opportunities]
Forests and adaptation to climate change: challenges and opportunities
Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa
Brockhaus, M.
Duchelle, Amy E.
Atmadja, S.
Pham, T.T.
[Multiple levels and multiple challenges for REDD+: Lessons from the field]
Multiple levels and multiple challenges for REDD+: Lessons from the field
Gregorio, M. di
Brockhaus, M.
Cronin, T.
Muharrom, E.
[Politics and power in national REDD+ policy processes]
Politics and power in national REDD+ policy processes
Jagger, P.
Lawlor, K.
Brockhaus, M.
Gebara, M.F.
Sonwa, D.J.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
[REDD+ safeguards in national policy discourse and pilot projects [Japanese]]
REDD+ safeguards in national policy discourse and pilot projects [Japanese]
Jagger, P.
Lawlor, K.
Brockhaus, M.
Gebara, M.F.
Sonwa, D.J.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
[Pengamanan REDD+ dalam wacana kebijakan nasional dan proyek-proyek percontohan]
Pengamanan REDD+ dalam wacana kebijakan nasional dan proyek-proyek percontohan
Jagger, P.
Lawlor, K.
Brockhaus, M.
Gebara, M.F.
Sonwa, D.J.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
[Salvaguardas de REDD+ no discurso de políticas nacionais e em projetos-piloto]
Salvaguardas de REDD+ no discurso de políticas nacionais e em projetos-piloto