Agricultural commercialization as a mechanism to alleviate rural poverty raises concerns about small land-holders, non-adopters, and inequity in the distribution of benefits within transforming economies. Farm gross margins were calculated to assess the economic status and impact of cash cropping...
Brown, S.
Kennedy, G.
[A case study of cash cropping in Nepal: poverty alleviation or inequity?]
A case study of cash cropping in Nepal: poverty alleviation or inequity?
DeFries, R.
Achard, F.
Brown, S.
Herold, Martin
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Schlamadinger, B.
Souza, C. de
[Earth observations for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries]
Earth observations for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries
Mathematical proofs show that rate estimates, for example of mortality and recruitment, will decrease with increasing census interval when obtained from censuses of non-homogeneous populations. This census interval effect could be confounding or perhaps even driving conclusions from comparative s...
Lewis, S.L.
Phillips, O.L.
Sheil, Douglas
Vinceti, B.
Baker, T.R.
Brown, S.
Graham, A.W.
Higuchi, N.
Hilbert, D.W.
Laurance, W.F.
Lejoly, J.
Malhi, Y.
Monteagudo, A.
Vargas, P. NÚÑEz
Sonke, B.
Terborgh, J.W.
Martínez, R.V.
[Tropical forest tree mortality, recruitment and turnover rates: calculation, interpretation and comparison when census intervals vary]
Tropical forest tree mortality, recruitment and turnover rates: calculation, interpretation and comparison when census intervals vary
This chapter explores the opportunities for linking mitigation activities with efforts to increase adaptive capacity. Because the issue involves two separate objectives, each with multiple stakeholders and scales of analysis, win-win situations are emphasised. Criteria and indicators for monitori...
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Robledo, C.
Brown, S.
Coto, O.
Drexhage, J.
Forner, C.
Kanninen, M.
Lipper, Leslie
North, N.
Rondón, Marco Antonio
[Linkages between mitigation and adaptation in land-use change and forestry activities]
Linkages between mitigation and adaptation in land-use change and forestry activities
Spatial patterns in socioeconomic data reveal issues and trends that would otherwise be missed by data aggregation to political or other units. Geographic Information System (GIS) tools provide display and analysis capabilities that are underutilized by many social scientists. The present article...
Global deforestation and forest degradation rates have a significant impact on the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. The Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that during the 1990s 16.1 million hectares per year were affected by deforestation, most of them in the tro...
Schlamadinger, B.
Ciccarese, L.
Dutschke, M.
Fearnside, P.M.
Brown, S.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
[Should we include avoidance of deforestation in the international response to climate change?]
Should we include avoidance of deforestation in the international response to climate change?
Roa, C
Brown, S.
Roa García, MC
Beltrán Giraldo, Jorge Alonso
[Protocol for the characterization of carbon and water cycles in high elevation ecosystems]
Protocol for the characterization of carbon and water cycles in high elevation ecosystems
DeFries, R.
Achard, F.
Brown, S.
Herold, Martin
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Schlamadinger, B.
Souza, C. de
[Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries: Considerations for monitoring and measuring]
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries: Considerations for monitoring and measuring
High elevation páramo (wetland) ecosystems in the Andes are important water sources for local communities and downstream agricultural and urban users. These headwater catchments, however, are often impacted by human activities (eg agricultural production) that affect both stream water quality and...
Roa Garcia, MC
Roa Garcia, CE
Brown, S.
Cordero, E.
[Water resource research and education in mountain communities]
Water resource research and education in mountain communities
The main question behind the work presented here is: How can agricultural greenhouse gas
emissions be reduced or sequestration enhanced while maintaining and even increasing food
supply. To address this question, we first estimated the business-as-usual emissions of
greenhouse gases from the agri...
Brown, S.
Grais A
Ambagis S
Pearson T
[Baseline GHG emissions from the agricultural sector and mitigation potential in countries of East and West Africa]
Baseline GHG emissions from the agricultural sector and mitigation potential in countries of East and West Africa