Few field studies examine greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from African agricultural systems, resulting in high uncertainty for national inventories. This lack of data is particularly noticeable in smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa, where low inputs are often correlated with low yields, often...
Pelster, David E.
Rufino, Mariana C.
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Mango, Joash
Saiz, Gustavo
Díaz Pinés, Eugenio
Baldi, G.
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
[Smallholder farms in eastern African tropical highlands have low soil greenhouse gas fluxes]
Smallholder farms in eastern African tropical highlands have low soil greenhouse gas fluxes
Paddy rice is the main cropping system in Southeast Asia. However, water scarcity arising from competition from other sectors, rainfall variability and climate change increasingly challenges global rice production. One option to adapt to lower water availability is switching from paddy rice to le...
Kraus, David
Weller, S.
Klatt, Steffen
Santabárbara, I.
Haas, E.
Wassmann, Reiner
Werner, C.
Kiese, Ralf
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
[How well can we assess impacts of agricultural land management changes on the total greenhouse gas balance (CO2, CH4 and N2O) of tropical rice-cropping systems with a biogeochemical model?]
How well can we assess impacts of agricultural land management changes on the total greenhouse gas balance (CO2, CH4 and N2O) of tropical rice-cropping systems with a biogeochemical model?
Gakige, Jesse K.
Gachuri, C.
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
Goopy, John P.
[Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) vine silage: A cost-effective supplement for milk production in smallholder dairy-farming systems of East Africa?]
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) vine silage: A cost-effective supplement for milk production in smallholder dairy-farming systems of East Africa?
Background and aims
Replacing paddy rice by upland systems such as maize cultivation is an on-going trend in SE Asia caused by increasing water scarcity and higher demand for meat. How such land management changes will feedback on soil C and N cycles and soil greenhouse gas emissions is not well...
Kraus, David
Weller, S.
Klatt, Steffen
Haas, E.
Haas, E.
Kiese, Ralf
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
[A new LandscapeDNDC biogeochemical module to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from lowland rice and upland cropping systems]
A new LandscapeDNDC biogeochemical module to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from lowland rice and upland cropping systems
Most of the population in sub-Saharan Africa depends on agriculture for livelihood, which is mainly practiced by resource-constrained smallholder farmers. Due to persistent low crop yields, food and nutrition insecurity, farmers have been opening new lands through deforestation or encroachment in...
Masso, C.
Nziguheba, Generose
Mutegi, J.
Galy-Lacaux, C.
Wendt, J.
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
Wairegi, L.W.I.
Datta, A.
[Soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa]
Soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Sander, Bjoern Ole
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
Rufino, Mariana C.
Hickman, J.
Stirling, Clare M.
Richards, Meryl
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Introduction to the SAMPLES approach]
Introduction to the SAMPLES approach
Central Brazil is the region with the most dynamic agriculture expansion worldwide, where tropical forests and Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) are converted to pastures and crop fields. Following deforestation, agricultural practices, such as fertilization, tillage and crop rotations, alter soil para...
Lammel, D.R.
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
Cerri, C.E.P.
Louis, S.
Schnitzler, J.P.
Feigl, B.J.
Cerri, C.C.
[C and N stocks are not impacted by land use change from Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado) to agriculture despite changes in soil fertility and microbial abundances]
C and N stocks are not impacted by land use change from Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado) to agriculture despite changes in soil fertility and microbial abundances