Description of the Malawi zebu dealing w. its origins, body characteristics, reproduction, growth characteristics, teeth eruption, carcass quality and milk yield & composition.
Presents findings of a study conducted to determine changes in feed intake and utilization by oxen during work, comparing estimated energy balance and liveweight change in local zebu and crossbreds. Also assesses breed effects on water intake, feed intake and utilization.
Reports results of an experiment conducted to determine the effect of diet restriction on work performance and body weight in crossbred and local oxen worked as singles in farmers' fields around Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, during the normal cultivation season.
Astatke, A.
Reed, J.D.
Butterworth, M.H.
[Effect of diet restriction on work performance and weight loss of local Zebu and Friesian X Boran crossbred oxen]
Effect of diet restriction on work performance and weight loss of local Zebu and Friesian X Boran crossbred oxen
Butterworth, M.H.
McNitt, J.I.
[Projection of cattle herd composition using a programmable calculator]
Projection of cattle herd composition using a programmable calculator
Deals with an experiment on the use of legume to enhance crop residue utilization by ruminants; includes in the study - hay from Trifolium tembense, 20 Ethiopian highland sheep, and teff & wheat straw, oat hay and maize stover.
Mosi, A.K.
Butterworth, M.H.
[Utilisation de Trifolium tembense pour completer les rations des ruminants a base de residus agricoles]
Utilisation de Trifolium tembense pour completer les rations des ruminants a base de residus agricoles
Compares the effects of noug meal, Trifolium tembense hay and urea, fed in different combinations as supplements to wheat or teff straws, on feed intake and growth rate of crossbred heifers.
Olayiwole, M.B.
Butterworth, M.H.
Sayers, A.R.
Olorunju, S.A.S.
[Effet d'une supplementation de pailles de cereales avec de l'uree, du foin de Trifolium et du tourteau de noug sur l'ingestion et le gain ponderal de genisses hybrides]
Effet d'une supplementation de pailles de cereales avec de l'uree, du foin de Trifolium et du tourteau de noug sur l'ingestion et le gain ponderal de genisses hybrides
Examines the effects of supplementing diets based on common Ethiopian crop residues (teff, wheat and oat straws and maize stover) with different proportions of hay made from a common local clover, Triofolium tembense.
Butterworth, M.H.
Mosi, A.K.
[Consommation volontaire et digestibilite de rations pour ovins composees de residus de recoltes cerealieres et de foins de legumineuses]
Consommation volontaire et digestibilite de rations pour ovins composees de residus de recoltes cerealieres et de foins de legumineuses
An experiment conducted to determine the effect of supplementation with different levels of noug meal on the intake and digestibility in sheep of diets based on maize stover and oat straw. Presents the chemical composition of the three diets.
Butterworth, M.H.
Mosi, A.
[The intake and digestibility by sheep of oat straw and maize stover offered with different levels of noug (Guizotia abyssinica) meal]
The intake and digestibility by sheep of oat straw and maize stover offered with different levels of noug (Guizotia abyssinica) meal
Presents the results of a study in which four experimental groups of East African Shorthorned Zebu and Holstein Friesian X Boran crossbred oxen were subjected to a working exercise of pulling sleds; compares the periods of low and high work with the pre-work and post-work periods in terms of feed...
Soller, H.
Reed, J.D.
Butterworth, M.H.
[Effect of work on utilization of cereal crop residues by oxen]
Effect of work on utilization of cereal crop residues by oxen
Presents the results of biological and financial analyses performed on the productivity and profitability of cattle stall-fed for beef on smallholder farms in Malawi.
Agyemang, K.
Nkhonjera, L.P.
Butterworth, M.H.
McIntire, John M.
[Productivity and profitability of cattle stall-fed for beef on smallholder farms in Malawi]
Productivity and profitability of cattle stall-fed for beef on smallholder farms in Malawi