This report provides an update on the status of the PGRFA collections maintained by the eleven CGIAR Centers that signed Article 15 agreements with the Governing Body in 2006. As of December 31, 2018, these Centers held over 758,000 accessions of crop, forage, and tree germplasm which they mainta...
CGIAR Genebank Platform
[Report by the eleven CGIAR Centers that signed agreements under Article 15 of the Treaty (Appendix 2)]
Report by the eleven CGIAR Centers that signed agreements under Article 15 of the Treaty (Appendix 2)
The CGIAR Genebank Platform Policy Module, in coordination with the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), organized the ‘Workshop to strengthen the capacity of scientists from CGIAR Centres and National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) to deal with genetic reso...
CGIAR Genebank Platform
[Workshop to strengthen the capacity of scientists from CGIAR Centres and NARS to deal with genetic resources policy issues, 27-30 November 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Morocco.]
Workshop to strengthen the capacity of scientists from CGIAR Centres and NARS to deal with genetic resources policy issues, 27-30 November 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Morocco.
Le module de politique relatif à la plateforme du CGIAR sur les banques de gènes, en collaboration avec ICARDA, a organisé l’« Atelier de renforcement des capacités des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA à aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources géné...
CGIAR Genebank Platform
[Atelier de renforcement des capacites des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA a aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources genetiques, 27-30 novembre 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Maroc]
Atelier de renforcement des capacites des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA a aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources genetiques, 27-30 novembre 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Maroc