CCAFS together with our partner organisations conducted studies on farmers’ preferences and willingness to pay, using priority setting tools developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Studies in South Asia explored the potential technological options for climate risk m...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Which climate-smart agriculture technologies are farmers willing to put their money on?]
Which climate-smart agriculture technologies are farmers willing to put their money on?
The CCAFS team in collaboration with research teams from Oxford University and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and local partners initiated the ‘Farms of the Future’ field-based research program in the Indo-Gangetic Plains in 2012. The team used the climate analogue tool i...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Farms of the future: preparing farmers for a believable climate future]
Farms of the future: preparing farmers for a believable climate future
CCAFS in South Asia is working with insurance companies and other stakeholders to help design innovative insurance products that are tailored to engage small-holder farmers in the management, reporting and verification of insurance schemes. The community managed insurance scheme is one such novel ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[A community-based approach to climate risk management: making insurance work for smallholders]
A community-based approach to climate risk management: making insurance work for smallholders
Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture activity requires expensive equipment and human resources to proceed on a continuous basis and to provide annual and seasonal emission estimates. Also, estimation of spatial-temporal distribution of agricultural emissions using field data is...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Mapping and modelling greenhouse gas emissions in CCAFS’ sites in South Asia]
Mapping and modelling greenhouse gas emissions in CCAFS’ sites in South Asia
Farmers are often not able to quickly access and adopt new crop varieties that are developed and tested by scientists. Biodiversity International, supported by CCAFS, is working with farmers to evaluate crop varieties as part of the ‘Seeds for Needs’ project. This project aims to expose local far...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Genetic adaptation to climatic risks: crowdsourcing farmers’ preferences for crop varieties]
Genetic adaptation to climatic risks: crowdsourcing farmers’ preferences for crop varieties
We are pleased to share the ninth issue of the SmartAG Partner- a quarterly newsletter
of CCAFS East Africa.
After being mostly overlooked for the last ten years, agriculture was on the agenda of
the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA42) in Bonn, Germany.
SBSTA42 presente...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[The SmartAG Partner: CCAFS East Africa Quarterly Newsletter, April - June 2015]
The SmartAG Partner: CCAFS East Africa Quarterly Newsletter, April - June 2015
Desde el año 2010 el equipo ha construido escenarios regionales para el Este y Oeste de Africa, Sur y Sudeste de Asia, América Central y los países Andinos. Recientemente se ha concentrado en ayudar a los funcionarios gubernamentales a desarrollar sus propios escenarios con el fin de mejorar polí...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Análisis de políticas sobre el clima y la agricultura, visto desde escenarios futuros]
Análisis de políticas sobre el clima y la agricultura, visto desde escenarios futuros
The University of Aberdeen and CCAFS are developing a simple tool for practitioners to quickly identify and compare mitigation options for agriculture. The CCAFS-MOT tool takes account of current farming practices and growing conditions to suggest a wide range of
mitigation options. The Excel-bas...
In this CCAFS project, we stimulate partnerships
between farmer cooperatives and
professionals from public, private and civil
society spheres and couple participatory
adaptation planning with the development
of incentive and investment plans. In this
way, we aim to establish a virtuous cycle of
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Participatory planning and investment in climate smart agriculture to reduce risks for small-scale farmers in Central American coffee landscapes]
Participatory planning and investment in climate smart agriculture to reduce risks for small-scale farmers in Central American coffee landscapes
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Letter from Haryana Government on Climate-Smart Villages]
Letter from Haryana Government on Climate-Smart Villages