Yield gap analysis is an important tool to estimate the potential crop production increases in a controlled environment. This analysis gives valuable insights into the biophysical requirements to meet food production goals. While yield gap analysis is well documented for cereals, there are signif...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[A community of practice for African researchers and practitioners]
A community of practice for African researchers and practitioners
In 2013, CCAFS surpassed the 3-year targets for two of its twelve Objectives, achieved the targets for seven Objectives and is behind target for three Objectives. Most progress has been made in East Africa (EA), West Africa (WA) and South Asia (SA) – the regions established at the start of CCAFS;...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[2013 Annual Report to CGIAR Consortium: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)]
2013 Annual Report to CGIAR Consortium: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
This concept note presents the new structure and function of CCAFS under a system of Results-Based Management (RBM), building on lessons learnt in CCAFS’s 2013/14 RBM trial for Flagship 4. Lessons from three external evaluations have been used to improve efficacy of management and delivery of out...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[CCAFS Extension Proposal: Concept Note for 2015-2016]
CCAFS Extension Proposal: Concept Note for 2015-2016
Las Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas (MTA) son una innovadora iniciativa que busca integrar actores del sector agropecuario a nivel local para informar, especialmente a los pequeños productores, sobre los cambios esperados en el clima de su región; cómo estos pueden afectar sus cultivos y qué pueden...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Acercando los pronósticos estacionales a las necesidades de los agricultores]
Acercando los pronósticos estacionales a las necesidades de los agricultores
¿Qué medidas pueden tomar los pequeños productores para mejorar sus prácticas agrícolas, y que esto conlleve a una mayor seguridad alimentaria y el mejoramiento de sus condiciones de vida? ¿pueden hacer esto mientras también disminuyen las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero o se aumenta la ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[TeSAC: opciones para mejorar la resiliencia y la seguridad alimentaria]
TeSAC: opciones para mejorar la resiliencia y la seguridad alimentaria
This research project facilitates meeting spaces for policymakers, agriculture scientists and farmers’ associations to improve climate policy development in Uganda and Tanzania.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Shaping resilient food system policies for successful climate adaptation in East Africa]
Shaping resilient food system policies for successful climate adaptation in East Africa
This project organizes platforms for scientists and policymakers to exchange climate information and create better policies to build climate-smart food systems in West Africa.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Bridging the climate science-policy gap through exchange platforms in West Africa]
Bridging the climate science-policy gap through exchange platforms in West Africa
This research project seeks to better understand how climate science and agriculture policy development interact and influence each other for greater climate adaptation.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Analyzing how science and policy interact for improved climate adaptation policies]
Analyzing how science and policy interact for improved climate adaptation policies
El Programa de Investigación de CGIAR sobre Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS, por sus siglas en inglés) inició sus actividades en la región de América Latina en el año 2013 y como base para el desarrollo de sus actividades, organizó en conjunto con el Instituto...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Informe de sistematización: taller internacional, construcción de la estrategia CCAFS para América Latina]
Informe de sistematización: taller internacional, construcción de la estrategia CCAFS para América Latina
We are pleased to announce the launch of a web based knowledge platform, the Climate and Agriculture Network for Africa (CANA). This new regional platform seeks to enhance science – policy dialogue on climate-smart agriculture in Africa in order to enhance food security and livelihood improvement...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[The SmartAG Partner: CCAFS East Africa Quarterly Newsletter, October - December 2014]
The SmartAG Partner: CCAFS East Africa Quarterly Newsletter, October - December 2014