CGIAR news release issued out of the Group's 1995 Mid Term Meeting in Nairobi, affirming the need to move towards a global research system for developing country agriculture and its resolution to work as a catalyst towards this purpose. The news release announces the establishment of the Group's ...
CGIAR Secretariat
[International Group Urges Global Research System for Developing Country Agriculture]
International Group Urges Global Research System for Developing Country Agriculture
Proposal based on discussions with USAID and the University of Illinois, for the establishment of an International Soybean Resource Base (INTSOY) at the University of Illinois, out of the existing international soybean program at the University of Illinois and University of Puerto Rico. Agenda it...
Short paper by the CGIAR Secretariat intended to serve as background for a discussion of the International Undertaking by the CGIAR, which was meeting in May 1984 in Rome, seat of both the FAO and the IBPGR. The paper reports on a discussion of the subject at TAC 33 in March 1984 involving Dr. Bo...
CGIAR Secretariat
[Towards a Strategic Framework for Engagement between the CGIAR and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)]
Towards a Strategic Framework for Engagement between the CGIAR and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
CGIAR Secretariat note, dated 19 April 1971, explaining its conclusion that it was not feasible to provide for developing country membership in the CGIAR. Agenda item discussed at CGIAR Meeting, May 1971.
List of documents for the CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May 23-28, 1993 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The file contains two versions, one prepared after the meeting by the CGIAR Secretariat, and one circulated in advance of the meeting.
List of Documents for the CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May, 1990. The actual meeting extended from May 22 to May 25. May 21 was devoted to visiting national institutions in the Netherlands.