Non-ruminant animals are essential in many resource-poor production systems, particularly in
Asia. The feeding strategies are as varied as the different agro ecosystems, thus increasing the
challenge faced by researchers and extension agents in the search for appropriate solutions to
feeding limi...
León Velarde, C.U.
Cañas, R.
Osorio, J.
Guerrero, J.
Quiróz, Roberto A.
[Swine production simulation model: LIFE SIM]
Swine production simulation model: LIFE SIM
RESUMEN: El presente estudio pretende describir el somatotipo del futbolista profesional chileno, así como determinar la variabilidad existente en el somatotipo por posición de juego. Cien jugadores profesionales varones (edad 23±4,4 años), participantes del campeonato nacional de fútbol chileno ...
SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to describe the somatotype of Chilean professional soccer players, and to determine the variability in the somatotype by playing position. One hundred professional male players (age 23±4.4) participants in the Chilean national soccer championship were included i...
Henríquez-Olguín, C.
Báez, E.
Ramírez-Campillo, R.
Cañas, R.
[Somatotype Profile of Professional Male Soccer Chilean Players]
[Perfil Somatotípico del Futbolista Profesional Chileno]
Perfil Somatotípico del Futbolista Profesional Chileno
Cañas, R.
Aguilar, C.
Muñoz, G.
Paladines, O.
[Biomass production and utilization of natural pastures in the chilean mediterranean ecosystems]
Biomass production and utilization of natural pastures in the chilean mediterranean ecosystems