The success of inland valley crop production in humid and subhumid areas of subSaharan Africa depends on the availability of appropriate crop varieties with some tolerance to excess moisture. Performance of upland crop associations [cassava (Manihot esculenta) + sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and...
Carsky, R.J.
Walker, P.
Hauser, S.
Dashiell, Kenton E.
Dixon, A.
[Response of selected crop associations to groundwater table depth in an inland valley]
Response of selected crop associations to groundwater table depth in an inland valley
The project Poverty Alleviation and Enhanced Food Availability in West Africa through Improved Yam Technologies proposed to improve yam production in five West African countries (Nigeria, Bénin, Togo, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire) during the period from 2000 to 2003. A recognized need for productive, sta...
Carsky, R.J.
Asiedu, Robert
Cornet, D.
[Review of soil fertility management for yambased systems in West Africa]
Review of soil fertility management for yambased systems in West Africa
The symbiotic performance of promiscuous soybeans depends upon the population size, effectiveness and survival of indigenous or introduced rhizobia in the field. A pot experiment was conducted using soils collected from 13 farmers' fields located in two agroecological zones (northen and southern ...
Sanging, N.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Dashiell, Kenton E.
Carsky, R.J.
Okogun, A.
[Persistence and effectiveness of rhizobia nodulating promiscuous soybeans in moist savanna zones of Nigeria]
Persistence and effectiveness of rhizobia nodulating promiscuous soybeans in moist savanna zones of Nigeria
Improving yam production by mineral fertilisation in the savanna zone of Cote d'Ivoire. Côte d'Ivoire is the second producer of yam after Nigeria with 2.8 millions tons produced per year. Though its farmers are still looking for ‘'virgin'' soil to increase their yields. Mineral fertilization stud...
Soro, D.
Dao, D.
Carsky, R.J.
Asiedu, Robert
Assa, A.
Girardin, O.
[Amelioration de la production de ligname a travers la fertilisation minerale en zone de savene de Cote dIvoire]
Amelioration de la production de ligname a travers la fertilisation minerale en zone de savene de Cote dIvoire
Phosphorus fertilizer was applied at two rates to four soyabean varieties of different duration to maturity at four sites. The P rate had no significant (p > 0.05) interaction with site or variety. TGx1670-1F, one of the two late varieties, had the highest levels of total P (11 kg/ha) and apparen...
Ogoke, I.J.
Togun, A.O.
Carsky, R.J.
Dashiell, Kenton E.
[Phosphorus recovery from triple superphosphate by soyabean in the Guinea savanna of Nigeria]
Phosphorus recovery from triple superphosphate by soyabean in the Guinea savanna of Nigeria
It has been difficult to explain the rotation effect based solely on N availability in maize-soybean cropping systems in the moist savanna zone of sub-Saharan Africa. Although arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can contribute to plant growth by reducing stresses resulting from other nutrient defi...
Sanginga, N.
Carsky, R.J.
Dashiell, Kenton E.
[Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) respond to rhizobial inoculation and cropping systems in farmers fields in the Guinea savanna]
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) respond to rhizobial inoculation and cropping systems in farmers fields in the Guinea savanna
In southern Benin, the legume cover crop ´ Mucuna pruriens var. utilis has been widely promoted for soil fertility improvement. Recent findings have shown, however, that the majority of farmers have not adopted it, and that alternative technologies are needed that are both attractive to farmers a...
Schulz, S.
Honlonkou, A.N.
Carsky, R.J.
Manyong, Victor M.
Oyewole, B.D.
[Alternatives to mucuna for soil fertility management in southern Benin: farmer perception and use of traditional and exotic grain legumes]
Alternatives to mucuna for soil fertility management in southern Benin: farmer perception and use of traditional and exotic grain legumes
Lessons for appropriate soil management technology generation for the savannas and their application to the grain legume-cereal rotation system There are many legume-based techno logies capable of regenerating soi l ferti lity but few are being adopted by fa rmers in West Africa . At the Tn terna...
Carsky, R.J.
Douthwaite, Boru
Manyong, Victor M.
Sanginga, N.
Schulz, S.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Diels, J.
Keatinge, J.D.H.
[Amelioration de la gestion des sols par lintroduction de legumineuses dans les systemes cerealiers des savannes africaines]
Amelioration de la gestion des sols par lintroduction de legumineuses dans les systemes cerealiers des savannes africaines
Leaves of indigenous and exotic tree species adapted to the climatic conditions of the northern Guinea savanna of West Africa were evaluated for use as a mulch material and screened for their effect on germination and early growth of two varieties each of soybean (Glycine max), cowpea (Vigna ungu...
Hayashi, Y.
Carsky, R.J.
[Effect of use of savanna tree leaves as mulch materials on germination and growth of selected annual crop seedlings]
Effect of use of savanna tree leaves as mulch materials on germination and growth of selected annual crop seedlings
L‘intégration des légumineuses fixatrices d‘azote dans les systèmes techniques de production a donné lieu à de nombreux travaux de recherche destinés à améliorer ou restaurer la fertilité des terres, mais très peu de ces systèmes techniques sont vraiment appropriés par les paysans en Afrique de l...
Carsky, R.J.
Douthwaite, Boru
Manyong, Victor M.
Sanginga, Nteranya
Schulz, S.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Diels, J.
Keatinge, J.D.H.
[Amélioration de la gestion des sols par l'introduction de légumineuses dans les systèmes céréaliers des savanes africaines]
Amélioration de la gestion des sols par l'introduction de légumineuses dans les systèmes céréaliers des savanes africaines