Theories of agrarian change in Africa normally treat agricultural intensification as a linear unidirectional process that gradually engulfs entire agrarian systems as human population increases. Focusing on soil management practices, this paper disputes the alleged uniformity of intensification a...
Crowley, E.L.
Carter, Simon E.
[Agrarian change and the changing relationships between toil and soil in Maragoli, Western Kenya (1900-1994)]
Agrarian change and the changing relationships between toil and soil in Maragoli, Western Kenya (1900-1994)
The different environments (combinations of climatic and edaphic conditions) in which cassava is grown in South America are classified, and the most probable differences between one agroecozone and the next based on environmental factors affecting the cassava plant are presented. A hierarchical a...
Carter, Simon E.
[Climatic and edaphic classification at a continental scale (1:5,000,000) for cassava in South America]
Climatic and edaphic classification at a continental scale (1:5,000,000) for cassava in South America
Cassava-specific microregions in part of eastern Paraguay, a climatically homogeneous area, were defined on the basis of secondary data and systematic random sampling of agricultural settlements. It was found that production is concentrated in the departments of Caaguazu, Itapua, San Pedro, Parag...
Carter, Simon E.
[Cassava micro-regions in part of eastern Paraguay : An explanation of their form and comparative study of cassava production within some of them]
Cassava micro-regions in part of eastern Paraguay : An explanation of their form and comparative study of cassava production within some of them
The distribution of cassava among different climate and soil types in South America, based on the adopted hierachical classification of soil and climate conditions for cassava, is briefly discussed. Both soil and climate components of the classification have been used to produce a map of environm...
Carter, Simon E.
[A note on the distribution of cassava amongst different climate and soil types in South America]
A note on the distribution of cassava amongst different climate and soil types in South America
Carter, Simon E.
[The need for, structure, and possible functions of a geographic data-base in the process of technology transfer to the small farmer]
The need for, structure, and possible functions of a geographic data-base in the process of technology transfer to the small farmer
Carter, Simon E.
[Micro-regiones homogeneas para el cultivo de la yuca en parte de Manabi, Ecuador]
Micro-regiones homogeneas para el cultivo de la yuca en parte de Manabi, Ecuador
Over the last 12 years a data base of climate, soils and crop distribution has been assembled for Latin America. Recently, socio-economic variables such as access and populations density and environmental variables such as the location of national parks, biological reserves and indian reserves ha...
Jones, Peter G.
Robison, DM
Carter, Simon E.
[A geographical information approach for stratifying tropical Latin America to identify research problems and opportunities in sustainable agriculture]
A geographical information approach for stratifying tropical Latin America to identify research problems and opportunities in sustainable agriculture
Jones, Peter G.
Robison, DM
Carter, Simon E.
[Método SIG para identificar problemas y oportunidad de investigación en el manejo de los recursos naturales]
Método SIG para identificar problemas y oportunidad de investigación en el manejo de los recursos naturales
Carter, Simon E.
[Cassava micro-regions in part of eastern Paraguay: an explanation of their form and comparative study of cassava production within some of them]
Cassava micro-regions in part of eastern Paraguay: an explanation of their form and comparative study of cassava production within some of them
Carter, Simon E.
[Definición de micro-regiones para la mandioca en parte de la región oriental del Paraguay]
Definición de micro-regiones para la mandioca en parte de la región oriental del Paraguay