These data correspond to the results of the agroclimatic zones of cocoa for the Central America and the Caribbean regions and per country. The data make reference to the ideal zones for cocoa production in three different periods of time (baseline 1970-2000, 2020 - 2049, 2040 - 2069), which allow...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Replication Data for: The impact of climate change on cacao production in Central America and the Caribbean]
Replication Data for: The impact of climate change on cacao production in Central America and the Caribbean
El presente documento es un atlas de Centro América y El Caribe que proporciona información general sobre los diferentes grados de esfuerzo de adaptación necesarios para mitigar los impactos del cambio climático en la producción de cacao. Así mismo, contiene mapas de la región, y por país, de las...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Wiegel, Jennifer
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de cacao para Centroamérica y El Caribe. Atlas]
Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de cacao para Centroamérica y El Caribe. Atlas
This brief summarizes the results of participatory workshops and research on the implementation of CSC in Central America. Many of the practices proposed are already known to and used by Central American farmers seeking to reduce the risks for both the quality and quantity of their production. Th...
Bunn, Christian
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Wiegel, Jennifer
Guharay, Falguni
Hurtado, Ninoska
Lundy, Mark
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Climate-smart Cocoa in Central America and the Caribbean]
Climate-smart Cocoa in Central America and the Caribbean
The motivation of this report was to highlight the economic rationale to invest in climate change adaptation. To this end the report describes an assessment of the potential cost of climate change impacts on cocoa production in West Africa. There is a hope that by providing a benchmark for the co...
Schreyer, Felix
Bunn, Christian
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[The economic case for climate action in West-African cocoa production]
The economic case for climate action in West-African cocoa production
Actualmente, Honduras es el mayor productor de café en Centro América. El bajo costo de producción, el cambio generacional y el apoyo institucional dieron como resultado un crecimiento de la producción anual promedio del 5 %. Cerca de 110.000 familias obtienen su ingreso primario del café y de e...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Läderach, Peter
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
Girvetz, Evan H.
[Café sostenible adaptado al clima en Honduras]
Café sostenible adaptado al clima en Honduras
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture
development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increa...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Läderach, Peter
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Climate-smart coffee in Uganda]
Climate-smart coffee in Uganda
This info note summarizes a study about the cost of not adapting cocoa production in Ghana to climate changes. According to the study inaction will result in income losses to farmers and the economy. By providing a benchmark for this cost of inaction the authors aim to make it easier for cocoa st...
Schreyer, Felix
Bunn, Christian
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[The economic case for climate action in West-African cocoa production. Adapting cocoa production in Ghana to climate change is a smart investment. Inaction will result in income losses to farmers and the economy]
The economic case for climate action in West-African cocoa production. Adapting cocoa production in Ghana to climate change is a smart investment. Inaction will result in income losses to farmers and the economy
Guatemala is the second-largest coffee producer in Central America after Honduras. The coffee sector is a driver of the rural economy, providing incomes for over 122000 farmers, 98% of whom are smallholders. Guatemalan coffee production generates half a million jobs in the rural economy, nearly 1...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Läderach, Peter
Fernández Kolb, Pablo
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
Rigsby, Dylan
[Climate Smart coffee in Guatemala]
Climate Smart coffee in Guatemala