As part of a series of studies associated with the development of improved vaccines for heartwater (a tick-borne disease of ruminant livestock caused by Cowdria ruminantium), field surveys were carried out to assess losses associated with the disease and the costs associated with controlling it i...
Chamboko, Tafireyi
Mukhebi, A.W.
Callaghan, C.J.O.
Peter, T.F.
Kruska, R.L.
Medley, G.F.
Mahan, S.M.
Perry, Brian D.
[The control of heartwater on large-scale commercial and smallholder farms in Zimbabwe]
The control of heartwater on large-scale commercial and smallholder farms in Zimbabwe
Heartwater, caused by the rickettsial organism Cowdria ruminantium, is a serious constraint to livestock development in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Traditionally, the disease has been controlled by the use of chemical acaricides to control the vector tick. The University of Florida/USAID-supporte...
Mukhebi, A.W.
Chamboko, Tafireyi
O'Callaghan, C.J.
Peter, T.F.
Kruska, R.L.
Medley, G.F.
Mahan, S.M.
Perry, Brian D.
[An assessment of the economic impact of heartwater (Cowdria ruminantium infection) and its control in Zimbabwe]
An assessment of the economic impact of heartwater (Cowdria ruminantium infection) and its control in Zimbabwe
The authors highlight the reliance on repeated natural infections by tickborne pathogens to maintain immunity in immunized herds. That incidence of clinical heartwater in cattle, caused by Cowdria ruminantium, is low while intensive acaricide use interrupts transmission of pathogens. Evidence is ...
Perry, Brian D.
Chamboko, Tafireyi
Mahan, S.M.
Medley, G.F.
Minjauw, B.
O'Callaghan, C.J.
Peter, T.F.
[The economics of integrated tick and tick-borne disease control on commercial farms in Zimbabwe]
The economics of integrated tick and tick-borne disease control on commercial farms in Zimbabwe
In order to assess the economic impact of heartwater (Cowdria ruminantium infection) and model the impact of improved vaccines against the disease, a field study was conducted to provide data on livestock productivity indicators in Zimbabwe. Cross-sectional studies were performed in the two main ...
Chamboko, Tafireyi
Mukhebi, A.W.
O'Callaghan, C.J.
Peter, T.F.
Kruska, R.L.
Medley, G.F.
Mahan, S.M.
Perry, Brian D.
[Heartwater and the economics of livestock production on large scale commercial and smallholder farms in Zimbabwe]
Heartwater and the economics of livestock production on large scale commercial and smallholder farms in Zimbabwe