This brief aims to create more awareness that no country is self-sufficient in plant genetic resources and that international exchanges have facilitated critical variety innovations in individual countries contributing significantly to agricultural productivity enhancement. The brief synthesizes ...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Clancy, E.
[No country is self-sufficient when it comes to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: the cases of Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Guatemala, Nepal, Rwanda and Uganda]
No country is self-sufficient when it comes to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: the cases of Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Guatemala, Nepal, Rwanda and Uganda
Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture are a precious heritage of the people of West and Central Africa. The region is endowed with diversified agroecosystems in which crop diversity plays an integral role by contributing to the provision of food and ecosystem services. There is a growi...
Halewood, Michael
Baidu-Forson, J.J.
Clancy, E.
Vodouhe, R.S.
Bioversity International
Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles
[Cooperating to make the best use of plant genetic resources in West and Central Africa: a regional imperative]
Cooperating to make the best use of plant genetic resources in West and Central Africa: a regional imperative
This brief has been prepared by Bioversity International for delegates to the 2016 Global
Consultation on Farmers’ Rights. The brief aims to raise awareness among delegates and
Contracting Parties to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture (ITPGRFA) of the ...
Clancy, E.
Vernooy, Ronnie
[Realizing farmers’ rights through community-based agricultural biodiversity management]
Realizing farmers’ rights through community-based agricultural biodiversity management
Community seedbanks and emerging networks of community seedbanks contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Community seedbanks can secure improved access to and availability of diverse, locally adapted crops and varieties and enhance r...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Clancy, E.
Diulgheroff, S.
Furman, B
González Santos, R.
Kajtna, B.
Marino, M.
Mushita, A.
Shrestha, P.
Song, Y.
Egon Sosinski, E.
Subedi, A.
Villacorta, J.
[Joining forces to strengthen community seedbanks worldwide]
Joining forces to strengthen community seedbanks worldwide
Support of community seedbanks and seed-savers groups throughout the world can contribute to the empowerment of men and women farmers, encourage ecological citizenship and responsibility towards agrobiodiversity and promote resilience of farming communities. This can lead to sustainable livelihoo...
Les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture représentent un précieux héritage des peuples d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. La région est dotée d'agroécosystèmes diversifiés dont la diversité des cultures joue un rôle essentiel en contribuant à la fourniture de nourriture...
Halewood, Michael
Baidu-Forson, J.J.
Clancy, E.
Vodouhe, R.S.
Bioversity International
Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles
[La coopération pour le meilleur usage possible des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : un impératif régional]
La coopération pour le meilleur usage possible des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : un impératif régional