This CGIAR-CPWF Project was designed and conducted by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), in partnership with international and national partners, to address the relative neglect of livestock water needs of crop-livestock farming systems. The primary objective of this project was...
Clement, Floriane
Ishaq, Saba
Samad, Madar
Acharya, Sreedhar
Radha, A.Venkata
Haileslassie, Amare
Blümmel, Michael
Dey, A.
Khan, M.A.
Shindey, D.N.
Mit, R.
[Improving water productivity, reducing poverty and enhancing equity in mixed crop-livestock systems in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: CPWF project report 68]
Improving water productivity, reducing poverty and enhancing equity in mixed crop-livestock systems in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: CPWF project report 68
Clement, Floriane
[Understanding farmers? strategies and land use change in the northern uplands of Vietnam]
Understanding farmers? strategies and land use change in the northern uplands of Vietnam
Clement, Floriane
Amezaga, Jaime M.
[Afforestation and forestry land allocation in northern Vietnam: analysing the gap between policy intentions and outcomes]
Afforestation and forestry land allocation in northern Vietnam: analysing the gap between policy intentions and outcomes
In many countries worldwide, similar state policies on land management have been implemented as a response to deforestation in mountainous areas. So far, few studies have examined to which extent these policies have actually contributed to reforestation. This is the focus of our analysis, based o...
Clement, Floriane
Amezaga, Jaime M.
[Linking reforestation policies with land use change in northern Vietnam: why local factors matter]
Linking reforestation policies with land use change in northern Vietnam: why local factors matter
Many Asian countries have recently devolved land use rights to households and communities. Often largely supported by donors and non-governmental international organizations, the success of these initiatives in improving livelihoods and forest or land management has been challenged by an increasi...
Clement, Floriane
Amezaga, Jaime M.
Orange, Didier
Calder, I. R. C.
Large, A. R. G.
[A multi-level approach to analyse the impact of forestland allocation on land management in Northern Vietnam]
A multi-level approach to analyse the impact of forestland allocation on land management in Northern Vietnam
Overcoming the 'panacea problem' has been a major challenge for scholars devoted to the study of social-ecological systems (SESs). Panaceas are overly simplified institutional prescriptions, which have recurrently misguided natural resource policies across the world. To address this challenge, SE...
Clement, Floriane
[For critical social-ecological system studies: integrating power and discourses to move beyond the right institutional fit]
For critical social-ecological system studies: integrating power and discourses to move beyond the right institutional fit
Lloyd, G.J.
Korsgaard, L.
Tharme, Rebecca E.
Boelee, Eline
Clement, Floriane
Barron, Jennie
Eriyagama, Nishadi
[Water management for ecosystem health and food production]
Water management for ecosystem health and food production
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Bunting, S.W.
Bindraban, Prem S.
Muthuri, C.
Molden, David J.
Beveridge, Malcolm
Brakel, Martin L. van
Herrero, Mario T.
Clement, Floriane
Boelee, Eline
Jarvis, Devra I.
[Increasing water productivity in Agriculture]
Increasing water productivity in Agriculture
McCornick, Peter G.
Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
Bharati, Luna
Johnston, Robyn M.
McCartney, Matthew P.
Sugden, Fraser
Clement, Floriane
McIntyre, Beverly
[Afrontar el cambio: Cuidar del agua, de la agricultura y de la seguridad alimentaria en una era de incertidumbre climatica. In Spanish]
Afrontar el cambio: Cuidar del agua, de la agricultura y de la seguridad alimentaria en una era de incertidumbre climatica. In Spanish