Growth and N uptake in pot-grown maize, beans, and cassava were evaluated under 2 levels of soil N at CIAT-Palmira (Colombia). The lower amount of the element reduced its uptake by the 3 species, resulting in lower tissue concn., especially in the leaves. Under low N, DM accumulation was also red...
Porto, M.C.M.
El-Sharkawy, Mabrouk A.
Cock, James H.
Hernández, A. del P.
Cadena, G. de
[Crescimento, fotossintese e eficiencia do uso de nitrogenio em milho, feijao e mandioca submetidos a dois niveis de N no solo]
Crescimento, fotossintese e eficiencia do uso de nitrogenio em milho, feijao e mandioca submetidos a dois niveis de N no solo
The criteria for technology design are as follows: suitable for areas presently marginal for agricultural production; low inputs; give a nonperishable product for transportation; simple to transfer and easy to manage, requiring minimal changes in the traditional systein, Some problems that are be...
Initial research on the physiology of the cassava plant will study the growth cycle of a heavy-and a medium-branched var. The effect of LAI, N and planting density will be determined as well. Other expt will study plant response to N, mineral requirements, induction of flowering, planting dates a...
Cassava is a high-yielding crop, well adapted to areas of the tropics with low, uncertain rainfall and mean temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius.It has the ability to grow on very acid soils where few other crops will grow atall; however, highest yields are obtained under more fertile conditions...
A trend exists for using natural dried cassava as an animal feed. However, the technology of cassava drying is not well developed. The rate at which cassava dries when placed in the open air depends on the drying system, the relative humidity, the air temperature and the wind velocity. Particles ...
The possibilities of underdeveloped countries to satisfy their needs for food and to improve the standard of Eving through cassava production are analyzed. The following aspects are studied: potential cassava production (current and potential situation), general research policies and areas (var. ...
The possibilities of underdeveloped countries to satisfy their needs for food and to improve the standard of Eving through cassava production are analyzed. The following aspects are studied: potential cassava production (current and potential situation), general research policies and areas (var. ...
Se analizan las posibilidades de los paises subdesarrollados para satisfacer sus necesidades de alimentacion y mejorar el nivel de vida con base en la produccion de yuca. Se contemplan los siguientes aspectos: produccion potencial de la yuca (situacion actual y potencial), politica general de la ...
Cock, James H.
Lynam, John K.
[Potencial futuro e investigacion necesaria para el incremento de la yuca]
Potencial futuro e investigacion necesaria para el incremento de la yuca
Multiple cropping, sequential cropping, intercropping, mixed intercropping, intercropping in rows, in strips, relayed intercropping, cropping patterns, monoculture, crop rotation and land equivalent ratio are defined. The characteristics of multiple cropping and intercropping with beans are discu...
Se definen: cultivo multiple, en secuencia, intercalado, intercalado mixto, intercalado en surcos, intercalado en bandas o fajas, intercalado de relevo, patron de cultivo, monocultivo, rotacion de cultivos y relacion equivalente de terreno. Se describen en detalle las caracteristicas de los culti...
Thung, M.
Cock, James H.
[La yuca como cultivo principal de un sistema de cultivo multiple]
La yuca como cultivo principal de un sistema de cultivo multiple
Results are presented of various trials with cassava. The importance of DM production and factors affecting it, such as LAI and leaf inclination, are discussed. The relative importance of DM production and its distribution, particularly in relation to spacing, are reviewed. The author suggests a ...
Se presentan los resultados de varios ensayos con yuca. Se discute la importancia de la produccion de MS y los factores que la afectan, tales como el IAF y la inclinacion de la hoja. Se revisa la importancia relativa de la produccion de MS y su distribucion, particularmente en relacion con la den...