This publication is the product of a participatory capitalization process facilitated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) for the Program for Rural Enterprise Management, Health, and the Environment (PROGRESA). This document systematizes the experience gathered by PROGRESA...
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Rivera Picado, Dagley María
Corrales Briceño, Ligia
Gutiérrez, Jaime
[Innovamos para Ser Competitivos en los Mercados Fortalecimiento de la Cadena de valor de hortalizas y frutas a través de la implementación de tecnologías y el acompañamiento para el desarrollo de capacidades técnicas, socio-organizativas y empresariales]
[Innovating to Be Competitive in the Marketplace Strengthening the fruits and vegetables value chain by implementing technologies and building technical, socio-organizational, and entrepreneurial capacity]
Innovating to Be Competitive in the Marketplace Strengthening the fruits and vegetables value chain by implementing technologies and building technical, socio-organizational, and entrepreneurial capacity