The emergence of Anopheles populations capable of withstanding lethal doses of insecticides has weakened the efficacy of most insecticide based strategies of vector control and, has highlighted the need for further studies on the mechanisms of insecticide resistance and the various fa...
Djouaka, R.F.
Bakare, A.A.
Bankole, H.S.
Doannio, J.M.C.
Coulibaly, O.N.
Kossou, H.
Tamo, M.
Basene, H.I.
Popoola, K..K.
Akogbeto, M.C.
[Does the spillage of petroleum products in Anopheles breeding sites have an impact on the pyrethroid resistance?]
Does the spillage of petroleum products in Anopheles breeding sites have an impact on the pyrethroid resistance?
Le niébé est l’une des principales légumineuses produites et consommées au Bénin. Son importance économique, son taux élevé de protéine et son importance dans le régime limentaire des populations font de cette culture un important de la sécurité alimentaire et de la réduction de la pauvreté. Ce ...
Cowpea is a key leguminous crop produced and consumed in Benin. Its economic contribution food protein content and its importance in the diet of the populations, make it a major factor toward food security and the reduction of poverty. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contribution of ...
Allogni, W.N.
Coulibaly, O.N.
Honlonkou, A.N.
[Impact des nouvelles technologies de la culture de niebe sur le revenu et les depenses des menages agricoles au Benin = Impact of the new technologies of the cowpea production on the income and the agricultural household expenses in Benin]
Impact des nouvelles technologies de la culture de niebe sur le revenu et les depenses des menages agricoles au Benin = Impact of the new technologies of the cowpea production on the income and the agricultural household expenses in Benin
Access to up-to-date information on market prices and quality requirements remains a key issue for smallholder farmers’ access to high income markets. The aim of this chapter is to explore the problem of information asymmetry between farmers and buyers in the pineapple supply chain in Benin, and ...
Arinloye, D.D.A.A.
Linnemann, A.R.
Hagelaar, G.
Omta, S.W.F.
Coulibaly, O.N.
Boekel, M.A.J.S. van
[Willingness to pay for market information received by mobile phone among smallholder pineapple farmers in Benin]
Willingness to pay for market information received by mobile phone among smallholder pineapple farmers in Benin