Using a 9-country dataset from sub-Saharan Africa, and integrating quantitative household-level analyses with qualitative work, the paper shows that gender relations affect agricultural practices and adaptation. The women farmers in our sample control less land than men, the land they control is ...
Pérez, Carlos
Jones, E.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Cramer, Laura
Thornton, Philip K.
Förch, Wiebke
Barahona, C.
[How resilient are farming households, communities, men and women to a changing climate in Africa?]
How resilient are farming households, communities, men and women to a changing climate in Africa?
Agricultural production systems in East Africa are mainly rain-fed and highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. Moreover, the smallholder subsistence production base increases the vulnerability of the agricultural sector in East Africa to climate risks. The frequency and severity of c...
Nzuma, JM
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Kinyangi, James
Cramer, Laura
[A review of agricultural, food security, food systems and climate change adaptation policies, institutions and actors in East Africa]
A review of agricultural, food security, food systems and climate change adaptation policies, institutions and actors in East Africa
Mahoo, H
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Kinyangi, James
Cramer, Laura
[Climate change vulnerability and risk assessment of agriculture and food security in Ethiopia: which way forward?]
Climate change vulnerability and risk assessment of agriculture and food security in Ethiopia: which way forward?
This report summarises the results of a baseline household-level survey, designed by the CCAFS team and implemented in late 2010/early 2011 in 3 regions: East Africa, West Africa and South Asia. This survey was designed with the intent of developing simple, comparable cross-site household level i...
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Garlick, Cathy
Förch, Wiebke
Thornton, Philip K.
Cramer, Laura
Ndungu, Anthony
[Global summary of baseline household survey results]
Global summary of baseline household survey results
CGIAR is moving to a different model of doing science, and this needs to be well thought out and understood by centres, CRP researchers and partners. The focus can no longer be on research deliverables such as reports, trainings, crop varieties and decision support tools. We have learnt that the ...
Jost, Christine
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Álvarez, S.
Shuetz, T
Förch, Wiebke
Cramer, Laura
Thornton, Philip K.
[Lessons in theory of change: experiences from CCAFS]
Lessons in theory of change: experiences from CCAFS
In order to prepare the transition towards Phase 2, Theme 4 has been identified to spearhead the flagship development process. Flagship 4 (FS4) on Policies and Institutions for Climate-Resilient Food Systems is being phased in from 2014 onwards.
Schuetz, Tonya
Cramer, Laura
Förch, Wiebke
Jost, Christine
Álvarez, S.
Thornton, Philip K.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
[Summary for the CCAFS Flagship 4 Projects Kick-off Meeting 28-29 January 2014: Result-based Management Trial]
Summary for the CCAFS Flagship 4 Projects Kick-off Meeting 28-29 January 2014: Result-based Management Trial
International research for development is under increasing pressure to demonstrate development outcomes that enhance people’s food security and well-being while preserving the natural resource base. The CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) integrates t...
Förch, Wiebke
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Cramer, Laura
Barahona, C.
Thornton, Philip K.
[Back to baselines: measuring change and sharing data]
Back to baselines: measuring change and sharing data
Along with several other CGIAR research programs, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has in 2014 been piloting a new way of doing business revolving around the use of results-based management (RBM). Six trial projects were selected via a competitiv...
Schuetz, Tonya
Schubert, Cecilia
Förch, Wiebke
Thornton, Philip K.
Cramer, Laura
[Lessons and Insights from the CCAFS Results-Based Management Trial. Summary from the CCAFS Flagship 4 RBM trial projects survey]
Lessons and Insights from the CCAFS Results-Based Management Trial. Summary from the CCAFS Flagship 4 RBM trial projects survey
Thornton, Philip K.
Förch, Wiebke
Cramer, Laura
Vasileiou, Ioannis
Jost, Christine
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
[Lessons learned from the Flagship 4 Results-based management Trial]
Lessons learned from the Flagship 4 Results-based management Trial