This study adopts an institutional approach to analyze the way in which informal rules, in their interaction with formal rules, shape the use of forest resources by diverse types of smallholders and communities (i.e., indigenous people, agro-extractive and traditional communities) in Latin Americ...
Pacheco, P.
Barry, D.M.
Cronkleton, P.
Larson, A.M.
[The role of informal institutions in the use of forest resources in Latin America]
The role of informal institutions in the use of forest resources in Latin America
Pacheco, P.
Ibarra, E.
Cronkleton, P.
Amaral, P.
[Políticas públicas que afectan el manejo forestal comunitario]
Políticas públicas que afectan el manejo forestal comunitario
The purpose of this manual is to help trainers in future scenario better facilitate training workshops for field officers such as forestry managers, extension officers and researchers who are keen to facilitate future scenarios in their forest management projects. Future scenarios are a diverse a...
Nemarundwe, N.
Jong, W. de
Cronkleton, P.
[Phu'o'ng phap mo hinh tu'o'ng lai: mot cong cu quan ly ru'ng: giao trinh huan luyen chuyen vien dieu hanh phu'o'ng phap mo hinh tu'o'ng lai]
Phu'o'ng phap mo hinh tu'o'ng lai: mot cong cu quan ly ru'ng: giao trinh huan luyen chuyen vien dieu hanh phu'o'ng phap mo hinh tu'o'ng lai
Cronkleton, P.
Albornoz, M.A.
[Atividade florestal comunitarian na Bolivia: abrindo horizontes para novos atores]
Atividade florestal comunitarian na Bolivia: abrindo horizontes para novos atores
Pacheco, P.
Cronkleton, P.
[El futuro del manejo forestal comunitario en el norte amazonico boliviano]
El futuro del manejo forestal comunitario en el norte amazonico boliviano
Sunderlin, William D.
Larson, A.M.
Duchelle, Amy E.
Sills, E.O.
Luttrell, C.
Jagger, P.
Pattanayak, S.
Cronkleton, P.
Ekaputri, A.D.
[Technical guidelines for research on REDD+ project sites with survey instruments and code book]
Technical guidelines for research on REDD+ project sites with survey instruments and code book
Increased devolution of forest ownership and management rights to local control has the potential to promote both conservation and livelihood development in remote tropical regions. Such shifts in property rights, however, can generate conflicts, particularly when combined with rapidly increasing...
Duchelle, Amy E.
Cronkleton, P.
Kainer, K.A.
Guanacoma, G.
Gezan, S.
[Resource theft in tropical forest communities: implications for nontimber management, livelihoods, and conservation]
Resource theft in tropical forest communities: implications for nontimber management, livelihoods, and conservation
Guariguata, M.R.
Fernández, C.G.
Nasi, Robert
Sheil, Douglas
Herrero-Jáuregui, C.
Cronkleton, P.
Ndoye, O.
Ingram, V.
[Timber and non-timber forest product extraction and management in the tropics: towards compatibility]
Timber and non-timber forest product extraction and management in the tropics: towards compatibility
Taylor, P.L.
Cronkleton, P.
Barry, D.M.
Stone-Jovicich, S.
Schmink, M.
[‘If you saw it with my eyes’: collaborative research and assistance with Central American forest steward communities]
‘If you saw it with my eyes’: collaborative research and assistance with Central American forest steward communities
We discuss the extent of compatibility of timber and non-timber forest product (NTFP) extraction in two neotropical localities from biophysical, social, and institutional perspectives: the community concession forests of the Pete´ n, Guatemala, and extractivist communities in northern Bolivia. In...
Guariguata, M.R.
Cronkleton, P.
Shanley, P.
Taylor, P.L.
[The compatibility of timber and non-timber forest product extraction and management]
The compatibility of timber and non-timber forest product extraction and management