Outlines the results of a study on milk offtake feeding habits and growth of camels carried out at Beke in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia. Summarises milk offtake per camel per day & month, birth weight, daily growth rate of camel calves, growth during the four seasons of the year, daily act...
Dessalegne, B.
[Milk offtake, growth and feeding habits of camels in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia]
Milk offtake, growth and feeding habits of camels in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia
A study on the feeding behaviour of forty adult female goats at Beke in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia carried to determine the type of vegetation consumed and the amount of time spent on different activities like walking, feeding, ruminating & idling.
Dessalegne, B.
[Feeding behaviour of goats in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia]
Feeding behaviour of goats in the southern rangelands of Ethiopia
A study conducted at Beke station, Borana (Ethiopia), to assess the potential producitivity of indigenous sheep and goats under traditional Gabbra management conditions. Summarises monthly parturition and distribution of birth, birth weight, live weight, daily weight gain from birth to weaning, f...