Asia is a region of dynamic economic changes, fuelled by rapid population growth, urbanization, increased incomes, demand-led processes and changing consumer preferences for foods of animal origin. The projected total meat and milk consumption levels for 2020 are far in excess of anticipated supp...
Devendra, C.
[Animal production and rainfed agriculture in Asia: Potential opportunities for productivity enhancement]
Animal production and rainfed agriculture in Asia: Potential opportunities for productivity enhancement
In animal production systems, the value of a species increases in relation to its adaptation, capacity to make socioeconomic contributions, capacity to fill market opportunities, and potential for increasing productivity. In the case of goats, their role and potential contribution to increased pr...
Devendra, C.
[Goats: Challenges for increased productivity and improved livelihoods]
Goats: Challenges for increased productivity and improved livelihoods
In the next two decades, the demand for animal products will more than double. The concluding paper provides some considered predictions on the future for crop animal systems in Asia, as a consequence of this trend. Although meat and eggs from non ruminants in industrial systems will continue to ...
The justification for productivity enhancement in animal production systems in Asia is discussed in the context of major economic changes and a changing external environment, and the inability of current systems of animal production to meet the human requirements of foods of animal origin. The si...