Plant density and tiller cunts were done in several Sahelian rangelands in Mali, under a variety of soil, rainfall and grazing situations. Numeric models were developed to explain the dynamic relationship between grass tillering and herb density. Tests of application of these models to the plant ...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Diarra, L.
[Modelling tillering of annual grasses as a function of plant density: Application to Sahelian rangelands productivity and dynamics]
Modelling tillering of annual grasses as a function of plant density: Application to Sahelian rangelands productivity and dynamics
Discusses changes in the floristic composition and biomass production of eragrostis and vetiveria grasslands due to the rainfall and flood deficits during 1980-86 in the Niger floodplain in central Mali.
Diarra, L.
[Changes in Vetiveria nigritiana and Eragrostis barteri grasslands in the Niger floodplain, central Mali]
Changes in Vetiveria nigritiana and Eragrostis barteri grasslands in the Niger floodplain, central Mali
Discusses changes in the floristic composition and biomass production of eragrostis and vetiveria grasslands due to the rainfall and flood deficits during 1980-86 in the Niger floodplain in central Mali.
Diarra, L.
[Evolution des savanes a Vetiveria nigritiana et a Eragrostis barteri des plaines d'inondation du fleuve Niger (Mali central)]
Evolution des savanes a Vetiveria nigritiana et a Eragrostis barteri des plaines d'inondation du fleuve Niger (Mali central)
Twenty-five rangeland sites were monitored over two decades (1984–2006) first to assess the impact of the 1983–1984 droughts on fodder resources, then to better understand ecosystem functioning and dynamics. Sites are sampled along the south–north bioclimatic gradient in Gourma (Mali), within thr...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Mougin, E.
Diarra, L.
Soumaguel, N.
Lavenu, F.
Tracol, Y.
Diawara, M.
[Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali]
Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali
Les auteurs analysent la saisonnalite de la feuillaison de 28 especes ligneuses saheliennes afin de caracteriser les disponibilites saisonnieres en feuillage fourrager ainsi que leurs variations interannuelles. Pour chacune des especes, des branchettes de meme calibre ont ete echantillonnees chaq...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Cisse, M.I.
Diarra, L.
Leeuw, P.N. de
[Fluctuations saisonnieres de la feuillaison des arbres et des buissons saheliens. Consequences pour la quantification des ressources fourrageres]
Fluctuations saisonnieres de la feuillaison des arbres et des buissons saheliens. Consequences pour la quantification des ressources fourrageres
The patterns of the changes in woody plant population densities, size and species composition is documented and discussed for 24 rangeland sites monitored from 1984 to 2006 in Gourma (Mali). The sites are sampled along the North–South bioclimatic gradient on each of the main soils and levels of g...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Diarra, L.
Trichon, V.
Mougin, E.
Soumaguel, N.
Baup, F.
[Woody plant population dynamics in response to climate changes from 1984 to 2006 in Sahel (Gourma, Mali)]
Woody plant population dynamics in response to climate changes from 1984 to 2006 in Sahel (Gourma, Mali)