This paper deals with "Indigenous peoples' health in changing rainforests". It describes the study carried out jointly by CIFOR and IRD on the nutritional ecology of the Punan Tubu in Eastern Kalimantan. It compares the contrasted situations between the Punan who still leave remotedly in the fore...
Dounias, E.
Kishi, M.
Selzner, A.
Kurniawan, I.
Levang, P.
[No longer nomadic: changing Punan Tubu lifestyle requires new health strategies]
No longer nomadic: changing Punan Tubu lifestyle requires new health strategies
This article examines the changes in diet and health that occur when nomadic forest dwellers settle. Examples are drawn from African Pygmy groups such as the Kola, Medjan and Baka of Cameroon, the Aka of the Central African Republic and the Efe and Mbuti of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; a...
Dounias, E.
Froment, A.
[When forest-based hunter-gatherers become sedentary: consequences for diet and health]
When forest-based hunter-gatherers become sedentary: consequences for diet and health
As far as entomophagy is concerned, the first resource that comes to mind concerning the Congo Basin area is the improperly called ‘white worm of palm trees’. This weevil larva (Rhynchophorus phoenicis F., Curculionidae) is commonly known, and if we except local and specific food prohibitions, it...
Dounias, E.
[L’exploitation méconnue d’une ressource connue: la collecte des larves comestibles de charançons dans les palmiers raphias au sud Cameroun]
L’exploitation méconnue d’une ressource connue: la collecte des larves comestibles de charançons dans les palmiers raphias au sud Cameroun