Presents procedures for feed budgeting and allocation developed to access the quantity and quality of all feed components and to determine the production goals of each enterprise and allocates feed in relation to their requirements within the framework of overall feed supplies. Examines land, cro...
Presents papers on inventory of animal feed resources in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Burundi, Madagascar, Botswana, Swaziland and Mozambique, research and development experiences in Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and Zimbabwe; socioeconomic aspects of feed resources; and regional/sub-r...
Kategile, J.A.
Said, A.N.
Dzowela, B.H.
[Animal feed resources for small-scale livestock producers. Proceedings of the second PANESA workshop]
Animal feed resources for small-scale livestock producers. Proceedings of the second PANESA workshop
A study conducted to investigate the beef production potential of a Rhodes grass pasture fertilized with inorganic N and grown in association with D. Uncinatum. Includes data on dry matter yields of pure and mixed pastures (Rhodes + Desmodium), soil N status before and after three seasons of trea...
Dzowela, B.H.
[Value of a forage legume component in summer beef fattening systems in Malawi]
Value of a forage legume component in summer beef fattening systems in Malawi