This learning brief is part of a series to capture the process, progress and lessons from CCAFS in its endeavor to plan, implement and deliver research outcomes. Since the last of these learning
notes was published1, the process for finalizing the impact pathways (IPs) was considerably simplified...
Schuetz, Tonya
Förch, Wiebke
Thornton, Philip K.
Wollenberg, L.
Hansen, James
Jarvis, Andy
Coffey, Kevin
Bonilla Findji, Osana
Loboguerrero Rodriguez, Ana María
Martínez Barón, Deissy
Aggarwal, Pramod K.
Sebastian, Leocadio S.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Kinyangi, James
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Moussa, Abdoulaye S.
Sajise, A.
Khatri-Chhetri, Arun
Richards, Meryl
Jost, Christine
Jay, A.
[Learning Brief: Lessons in Theory of Change from a Series of Regional Planning Workshops]
Learning Brief: Lessons in Theory of Change from a Series of Regional Planning Workshops
Lessons learned from Flagship 4's Results-Based Management trial, based of an extensive survey to the trial project managers, coordinators and partners.
Schuetz, Tonya
Förch, Wiebke
Schubert, Cecilia
Thornton, Philip K.
Cramer, Laura
[Lessons and Insights from CCAFS Results-Based Management Trial]
Lessons and Insights from CCAFS Results-Based Management Trial
In CCAFS we are building our research for development agenda using outcomes thinking targeted towards five CGIAR intermediate development outcomes (IDOs). Each of our Flagship
research programs and regions are developing theories of change (TOCs), impact pathways (IPs), and monitoring and evaluat...
Sebastian, Leocadio S.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Förch, Wiebke
Jost, Christine
[Lessons in theory of change: CCAFS Southeast Asia Research for Development Workshop]
Lessons in theory of change: CCAFS Southeast Asia Research for Development Workshop
Using a 9-country dataset from sub-Saharan Africa, and integrating quantitative household-level analyses with qualitative work, the paper shows that gender relations affect agricultural practices and adaptation. The women farmers in our sample control less land than men, the land they control is ...
Pérez, Carlos
Jones, E.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Cramer, Laura
Thornton, Philip K.
Förch, Wiebke
Barahona, C.
[How resilient are farming households, communities, men and women to a changing climate in Africa?]
How resilient are farming households, communities, men and women to a changing climate in Africa?
This report presents 4 scenarios for the future of food security, agriculture, livelihoods and environments in East Africa. These scenarios were developed by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in collaboration with a wide range of regional stakeholders. Th...
Vervoort, Joost M.
Palazzo, Amanda
Mason-D'Croz, Daniel
Ericksen, Polly J.
Thornton, Philip K.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Förch, Wiebke
Herrero, Mario T.
Havlík, Petr
Jost, Christine
Rowlands, H.
[The future of food security, environments and livelihoods in Eastern Africa: four socio-economic scenarios]
The future of food security, environments and livelihoods in Eastern Africa: four socio-economic scenarios