Sxity-four Azawak male calves were used to study the effect of nocturnal grazing (NG) and supplementation (S) in the dry season on forage and water intake, faecal output, eating time and weight changes of cattle in the Sahel. Treatments were factorial combinations of four levels of NG (0, 2, 4 an...
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Keulen, H. van
Udo, H.M.J.
Chanono, M.
[Effect of nocturnal grazing and supplementation on diet selection, eating time, forage intake and weight changes of cattle]
Effect of nocturnal grazing and supplementation on diet selection, eating time, forage intake and weight changes of cattle
The influence of forage type, feed allowance and watering time on faeces and urine excretion by cattle, sheep and goats was studied. Higher amounts of nitrogen (N) were excreted during the day than during the night. The occurrence of defaecation and urination was highest at the time of getting up...
Schlecht, E.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
[Timing, size and nitrogen concentration of faecal and urinary excretions in cattle, sheep and goats: An they be exploited for better manuring of cropland?]
Timing, size and nitrogen concentration of faecal and urinary excretions in cattle, sheep and goats: An they be exploited for better manuring of cropland?
Published and new data from experiments conducted in several range sites in Niger and Mali were analysed to assess wet season, dry season and year-round animal weight changes, stocking rates, forage availability, feed intake and faecal excretions of cattle, sheep and goats. Herbage availability o...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Fernández Rivera, S.
Sangare, M.
Schlecht, E.
[Foraging efficiency, stocking rates, grazing pressure and livestock weight changes in the Sahel]
Foraging efficiency, stocking rates, grazing pressure and livestock weight changes in the Sahel
Short-duration rotation grazing was compared with deferred grazing in a 3-year experiment at ICRISAT, Niger. Short-duration grazing used a mixed herd (2 steers, 4 sheep and 4 goats) and cycles of 15-21 days in the wet season and 91 days in the dry season. Wet season grazing compared high (83-126 ...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Fernández Rivera, S.
[Grazing rotation in the annual-dominated rangelands of the Sahel]
Grazing rotation in the annual-dominated rangelands of the Sahel
In the short term, grazing of a 40-ha fallow in the Sahel, Niger, by sheep and goats reduced the standing herbage mass in the wet season and increased its disappearance during the dry season. The effects of stocking rate (62.5 or 125 k g liveweight/ha) and the proportion of sheep in the mixture (...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Fernández Rivera, S.
[Grazing effects of goat-sheep mixes on vegetation structure and productivity of old fallow in the Sahel]
Grazing effects of goat-sheep mixes on vegetation structure and productivity of old fallow in the Sahel
Fernández Rivera, S.
Ortega, M.L.
Jaimes, J.M.E.
Muñoz, D.J.J.
Nunez, D.R.
[Heterosis y efectos geneticos individuales y maternos en bovinos Angus Pardo. II. Ganancia de peso y consumo y, eficiencia de utilizacion de dietas altas en grano. (Heterosis and individual and maternal genetic effects in Angus and Brown Swiss cattle. II. Daily gain, intake and feed efficiency with high grain diets)]
Heterosis y efectos geneticos individuales y maternos en bovinos Angus Pardo. II. Ganancia de peso y consumo y, eficiencia de utilizacion de dietas altas en grano. (Heterosis and individual and maternal genetic effects in Angus and Brown Swiss cattle. II. Daily gain, intake and feed efficiency with high grain diets)
Fernández Rivera, S.
Jaimes, J.M.E.
Muñoz, D.J.J.
Ortega, M.L.
Nunez, D.R.
[Heterosis y efectos geneticos individuales y maternos en bovinos Angus Pardo. I. Ganancia de peso y, consumo y eficiencia de utilizacion. (Heterosis and individual and maternal genetic effects in Angus and Brown Swiss cattle. I. Daily gain, intake and feed efficiency with high roughage diets)]
Heterosis y efectos geneticos individuales y maternos en bovinos Angus Pardo. I. Ganancia de peso y, consumo y eficiencia de utilizacion. (Heterosis and individual and maternal genetic effects in Angus and Brown Swiss cattle. I. Daily gain, intake and feed efficiency with high roughage diets)