Agriculture in the dry savannas is intensifying in response to increasing populations of humans and livestock. As a result, increased productivity demands are placed upon integrated crop-livestock systems and more emphasis is on the roles of legumes such as cowpea. Cowpea has the potential to fun...
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Singh, B.B.
Gupta, S.C.
Tabo, Ramadjita
Harris, F.
Nokoe, S.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Bationo, B. André
Manyong, Victor M.
Makinde, K.
Odion, E.C.
[Cowpea as a key factor for a new approach to integrated crop-livestock systems research in the dry savannas of West Africa]
Cowpea as a key factor for a new approach to integrated crop-livestock systems research in the dry savannas of West Africa
The importance of feed in increasing livestock productivity and benefits from livestock is stressed. Four major feed resources are identified: pastures, common property resources, forests, and fallow lands; planted forages; crop residues; and concentrate and agricultural by-products. There is a s...
Blümmel, Michael
Hanson, Jean
Herrero, Mario T.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hansen, H.
Bezkorowajnyj, P.G.
[Strategy for ILRI research on feed resources]
Strategy for ILRI research on feed resources
This document summarises the major discussions, findings and recommendations of the conference convened by ILCA and its cosponsors to bring together national and international experts in livestock nutrition and management, ecology, agronomy, soil science and socio-economics to address fundamental...
Powell, J.M.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Williams, Timothy O.
Renard, C.
[Livestock and sustainable nutrient cycling in mixed farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Volume I: Conference summary]
Livestock and sustainable nutrient cycling in mixed farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Volume I: Conference summary
Cowpea is important for the provision of both grain for food and fodder for livestock but there is often a trade-off between production of the two. To better understand influences on grain and fodder production, and how these may be utilized. Research was conducted at 5 locations in West Africa u...
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Singh, B.B.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Peters, Michael
Smith, Jimmy W.
Schultze-Kraft, Rainer
Ajeigbe, Hakeem A.
[Optimizing the contribution of cowpea to food and fodder production in crop-livestock systems in West Africa]
Optimizing the contribution of cowpea to food and fodder production in crop-livestock systems in West Africa
In response to on-going agricultural intensification, crop-livestock systems are becoming more important in West African farming systems. The role of livestock in providing stability to such systems, particularly through their interaction with the soil environment is unquestionable. Worldwide, th...
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Larbi, Asamoah
Fernández Rivera, S.
Bationo, B. André
[The contribution of livestock to soil fertility]
The contribution of livestock to soil fertility
This paper outlines the role of livestock in integrated nutrient management in semi-arid west Africa. Farmers' strategies in the use of animal manure as well as research efforts to better understand the process of nutrient cycling through livestock in mixed farming systems are described. It con...
Williams, Timothy O.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Fernández Rivera, S.
[The role of livestock in integrated nutrient management in semi-arid West Africa]
The role of livestock in integrated nutrient management in semi-arid West Africa
In semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa as in many dryland areas, livestock are an integral part of the farming systems. Livestock offer opportunities for risk coping, farm diversification and intensification and provide significant livelihood benefits to the poor. The ability of livestock systems to con...
Williams, Timothy O.
Thornton, Philip K.
Fernández Rivera, S.
[Trends and prospects for livestock systems in the semi-arid tropics of sub-Saharan Africa]
Trends and prospects for livestock systems in the semi-arid tropics of sub-Saharan Africa
A classification of the major ruminant livestock production systems in West Africa is proposed. The proposed typology has two major classes of systems-sole livestock and crop-livestock. The sole livestock class has two systems (rangeland-based and landless) and the crop-livestock class has three ...
Fernández Rivera, S.
Okike, I.
Manyong, Victor M.
Williams, Timothy O.
Kruska, R.L.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
[Classification and description of the major farming systems incorporating ruminant livestock in West Africa]
Classification and description of the major farming systems incorporating ruminant livestock in West Africa
Feed and grazing management affect both the quantity and quality of animal manure and consequently nutrient cycling in the mixed crop-livestock systems in West Africa Sahel. Dietary measures can significantly influence the composition of manure and hence it’s agricultural value. High nutrient fee...
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Sangare, M.
[Nutrient management in livestock systems in West Africa Sahel with emphasis on feed and grazing management]
Nutrient management in livestock systems in West Africa Sahel with emphasis on feed and grazing management