This paper discusses the socioeconomic, policy and ecological opportunities and constraints to the regeneration and management of secondary forests (SF) on small scale colonist farms in three Latin American countries. So far there has been little recognition of SF as a forest resource. Survey dat...
Smith, J.
Finegan, B.
Sabogal, C.
Ferreira, M. do S.G.
Siles, G.
Kop, P. van de
Díaz, A.
[Bosques secundarios y manejo integrado de recursos en la agricultura migratoria por colonos en Latinoamérica]
Bosques secundarios y manejo integrado de recursos en la agricultura migratoria por colonos en Latinoamérica
The research was carried out with the general objectives of contributing to the definition of sustainable forest management in the region of Central America, determining guidelines for the ecological sustainability of forest management that include elements for adaptive management and developing ...
McGinley, K.
Finegan, B.
[Evaluacion de la sostenibilidad para el manejo forestal: determinacion de un estandard integrato y adaptativo para la evaluacion de la sostenibilidad ecologica del manejo forestal en Costa Rica]
Evaluacion de la sostenibilidad para el manejo forestal: determinacion de un estandard integrato y adaptativo para la evaluacion de la sostenibilidad ecologica del manejo forestal en Costa Rica
The research was carried out with the general objectives of contributing to the definition of sustainable forest management in the region of Central America, determining guidelines for the ecological sustainability of forest management that include elements for adaptive management and developing ...
McGinley, K.
Finegan, B.
[Evaluations for sustainable forest management: towards an adaptive standard for the evaluation of the ecological sustainability of forest management in Costa Rica]
Evaluations for sustainable forest management: towards an adaptive standard for the evaluation of the ecological sustainability of forest management in Costa Rica
The disturbance and destruction of the old-growth forests of the tropics continue to monopolize attention in international fora and the popular media, but a steadily growing land area is covered by secondary forest developing on sites which have been deforested and then abandoned by their owners....
Guariguata, M.R.
Finegan, B.
[Ecology and management of tropical secondary forest: science, people and policy: proceedings of a conference held at CATIE, Costa Rica, November 10-12, 1997]
Ecology and management of tropical secondary forest: science, people and policy: proceedings of a conference held at CATIE, Costa Rica, November 10-12, 1997
The need for new criteria and indicators for the assessment of biodiversity conservation as part of sustainable forest management of tropical forests has been identified as a priority by many international organisations. Those biodiversity criteria and indicators which formed part of a much broad...
Stork, N.E.
Boyle, T.J.B.
Dale, V.
Eeley, H.
Finegan, B.
Lawes, M.
Manokaran, N.
Prabhu, R.
Soberon, J.
[Criteria and indicators for assessing the sustainability of forest management: conservation of biodiversity]
Criteria and indicators for assessing the sustainability of forest management: conservation of biodiversity