Progress report by the project coordinator on the completion of the first three phases of the CARIS Pilot Project (relating to methodology and preparatory operations, data collection, and data processing), and the fourth phase (relating to evaluation) then underway. Agenda item presented at TAC S...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Thevenin, A.
[CARIS Pilot Project: Progress Report as of 1 January 1974]
CARIS Pilot Project: Progress Report as of 1 January 1974
FAO overview of the origins of IBPGR, its relationship with the FAO, and division of function between it and the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources. The paper describes IBPGR's mandate, its interaction with commodity-oriented IARCs, and the roles, organization, and supporting activities of IBP...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, Third Session, Rome, 17-21 April 1989: IBPGR Activities]
Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, Third Session, Rome, 17-21 April 1989: IBPGR Activities
Joint statement by the FAO and 12 centers of the CGIAR system on their agreement to place the centers' collections of plant genetic resources held in their genebanks under the auspices of the FAO as part of the International Network of Ex Situ Collections. The statement was issued during CGIAR In...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
CGIAR Secretariat
[Joint Statement of FAO and the CGIAR Centers on the Agreement Placing CGIAR Germplasm Collections Under the Auspices of FAO]
Joint Statement of FAO and the CGIAR Centers on the Agreement Placing CGIAR Germplasm Collections Under the Auspices of FAO
Summary report of the Second Ad Hoc Consultation on the Establishment of an International Soybean Research Consortium, with proposal for a CGIAR International Board for Soybean Research to guide and coordinate a number of independent research institutions towards an effective international soybea...
Agro-silviculture, a combination of agricultural and forest production systems, is described in its significance to environmental conservation and to the livelihoods of people living near forests, and in its potential contribution to rural development. Based on this, and on its own experience and...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[International Cooperation in Forestry Research and the Need for Increased Research in Agro-Silviculture]
International Cooperation in Forestry Research and the Need for Increased Research in Agro-Silviculture