The purpose of the joint FAO/IPGRI programme is to generate a series of crop/tree-specific technical guidelines that provide relevant information on disease indexing and other procedures that will help to ensure phytosanitary safety when germplasm is moved internationally. The scope of the recomm...
Esta guía es el tercer volumen de una serie de tres que tratan de la conservación de los recursos genéticos forestales (árboles y arbustos). Este volumen se ocupa de los requisitos técnicos y de algunos métodos aplicados y experiencias con la conservación ex situ y el manejo de los recursos genét...
Bioversity International
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[Conservación y manejo de los recursos genéticos forestales: En plantaciones y bancos de germoplasma (ex situ). Volumen 3]
Conservación y manejo de los recursos genéticos forestales: En plantaciones y bancos de germoplasma (ex situ). Volumen 3
Frison, Emile A.
Servinsky, J.
European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[Directory of European institutions holding crop genetic resources collections (Fourth Edition): Vol. 2. Index]
Directory of European institutions holding crop genetic resources collections (Fourth Edition): Vol. 2. Index
The List of Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD) is a reference tool developed jointly by IPGRI and FAO to provide international standards to facilitate germplasm passport information exchange across crops. These descriptors aim to be compatible with IPGRI crop descriptor lists and with the des...
Alercia, A.
Diulgheroff, S.
Metz, T.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[FAO/IPGRI Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors [MCPD]]
FAO/IPGRI Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors [MCPD]
These guidelines are divided into 2 parts. The first makes general recommendations on how best to move grain and fodder legume germplasm and breeding material. The second part covers the important viral, bacterial and fungal diseases of quarantine concern. The information given on any particular ...
Frison, Emile A.
Bos, L.
Hamilton, R.I.
Mathur, S.B.
Taylor, J.D.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources