Este artículo analiza los efectos no ricardianos de los shocks al gasto fiscal en Chile. Comenzamos presentando evidencia de tales efectos basados en vectores autorregresivos. Luego mostramos que dicha evidencia puede modelarse en un modelo que contemple: (i) una fracción considerable de hogares ...
Céspedes, Luis Felipe
Fornero, Jorge
Galí, Jordi
[Non-Ricardian aspects of fiscal policy in Chile]
[Aspectos no ricardianos de la política fiscal en Chile]
Aspectos no ricardianos de la política fiscal en Chile
Céspedes, Luis Felipe
Galí, Jordi
[Fiscal policy and macroeconomic performance: an overview]
Fiscal policy and macroeconomic performance: an overview
Céspedes, Luis Felipe
Fornero, Jorge
Galí, Jordi
[Non-ricardian aspects of fiscal policy in Chile]
Non-ricardian aspects of fiscal policy in Chile
Understanding the dynamics of inflation has become an important challenge for both policymakers and researchers over the past decade. Empirical models linking inflation and economic activity—versions of the so-called Phillips curve—have failed to account for the behavior of inflation in many adva...
The deep and prolonged recession triggered by the global financial
crisis of 2007–2009 led to a large increase in the unemployment rate in
most advanced economies. Ten years later, at the time of writing this
paper, the recession has long ended, and the subsequent recoveries
have brought the unem...
Galí, Jordi
Gambetti, Luca
[Has the U.S. wage phillips curve flattened? A semi-structural exploration]
Has the U.S. wage phillips curve flattened? A semi-structural exploration