We estimate the social cost of eliminating energy outages in Chile's Central Interconnected System (SIC) with the hydrotermic dispatch model used to operate the system. We simulate the optimal operation with 1,000 random hydrology se-quences, and compute the maximum projected deficit, say X. We t...
Galetovic, Alexander
Olmedo, Juan Carlos
Soto, Humberto
[Una Estimación del Costo Social de Eliminar los Déficit de Abastecimiento Eléctrico en el SIC]
Una Estimación del Costo Social de Eliminar los Déficit de Abastecimiento Eléctrico en el SIC
Government guarantees for private infrastructure projects reduce the incentives of firms to perform efficiently, weaken the incentives to screen projects for white elephants, and shift government obligations to future periods. Thus the use of guarantees needs to be limited, and they need to be ca...
Engel, Eduardo
Fischer, Ronald
Galetovic, Alexander
[Infrastructure Franchising and Government Guarantees]
Infrastructure Franchising and Government Guarantees
"There are at least two ways of fixing high voltage transmission tolls. One is to regulate them in standard fashion; another is to allocate new transmission lines in competitive auctions to the bidder offering the lowest toll. In this paper we show that expected tolls are considerably lower if li...
Galetovic, Alexander
Inostroza, Juan Ricardo
[Tarificación de la Transmisión Eléctrica: Por Qué Licitar Es (Mucho) Mejor que Regular]
Tarificación de la Transmisión Eléctrica: Por Qué Licitar Es (Mucho) Mejor que Regular
This paper studies three issues of the Chilean electricity regulation and their incidence in the energy crisis of 1998-99. Could the price mechanism manage the supply shortage without blackouts? Did the regulation provide incentives to invest in reserve capacity?, and what were the effects of lim...
Benavente, José Miguel
Galetovic, Alexander
Sanhueza, Ricardo
Serra, Pablo
[El Costo de la Falla Residencial en Chile: Una Estimación Usando la Curva de Demanda]
El Costo de la Falla Residencial en Chile: Una Estimación Usando la Curva de Demanda