Epidemiology of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) web blight (BWB) caused by Thanatephorus cucumeris (teleomorph of Rhizoctonia solani) was studied in a field with a history of severe incidence of the disease. Sclerotia and mycelium of T. cucumeris, either free in soil or in the form of colonized debris,...
Galindo, J.J.
Abawi, G.S.
Thurston, HD
Galvez, G
[Source of inoculum and development of bean web blight in Costa Rica]
Source of inoculum and development of bean web blight in Costa Rica
Mulching was highly effective and superior to chemical treatments for the control of web blight (WB) caused in beans by Rhizoctonia solani, the imperfect state of Thanatephorus cucumeris. Plots were established in fields with a history of repeated incidence of WB. Soilborne sclerotia and colonize...
Galindo, J.J.
Abawi, G.S.
Thurston, HD
Galvez, G
[Effect of mulching on web blight of beans in Costa Rica]
Effect of mulching on web blight of beans in Costa Rica
Bean diseases such as rust (Uromyces phaseoli var. typica), web blinght (Thanatephorus cucumeris) and angular leaf spot (Isariopsis griseola), not only destroy plant foliage but also cuase physiological damage. To determine yield losses, the cv. ICA-Gualì and porrillo sintetico were artificially ...
Gálvez E., Guillermo E.
Galindo, J.J.
Álvarez, G.G.
[Defoliacion artificial para estimar perdidas por danos foliares en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris)]
Defoliacion artificial para estimar perdidas por danos foliares en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris)