La relación entre los bosques tropicales y el cambio climático global se ha centrado más en la mitigación, mientras que se ha prestado menos atención a cómo las actividades de manejo pueden ayudar a los ecosistemas forestales a adaptarse a dicho cambio. Este documento discute la manera en que alg...
Guariguata, M.R.
[El manejo forestal en el contexto de la adaptación al cambio climático]
El manejo forestal en el contexto de la adaptación al cambio climático
Tropical forests could satisfy multiple demands for goods and services both for present and future generations. Yet integrated approaches to natural forest management remain elusive across the tropics. In this paper we examine one combination of uses: selective harvesting of timber and non-timber...
Guariguata, M.R.
García Fernandez, C.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Herrero-Jáuregui, C.
Cronkleton, P.
Ingram, V.
[Compatibility of timber and non-timber forest product management in natural tropical forests: perspectives, challenges, and opportunities]
Compatibility of timber and non-timber forest product management in natural tropical forests: perspectives, challenges, and opportunities
At a global scale the area devoted to agricultural cultivation that depends upon insect pollination has grown steadily and, therefore, an increased demand of this service would be expected. However, lack of pollinators is not always an essential factor in the productive system at farm level. The ...
Calle, Z.
Guariguata, M.R.
Giraldo, E.
Chará, J.
[La producción de maracuyá (passiflora edulis) en Colombia: perspectivas para la conservación del hábitat a través del servicio de polinización]
La producción de maracuyá (passiflora edulis) en Colombia: perspectivas para la conservación del hábitat a través del servicio de polinización
In Bolivia’s Northern Amazon, forests long used for the extraction of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are now experiencing increased logging. The extraction of timber and economically important NTFPs such as Brazil nuts (from the emergent forest tree Bertholletia excelsa) is occurring in the s...
Cronkleton, P.
Guariguata, M.R.
Albornoz, M.A.
[Multiple use forestry planning: Timber and Brazil nut management in the community forests of Northern Bolivia]
Multiple use forestry planning: Timber and Brazil nut management in the community forests of Northern Bolivia
This paper assesses the role of protected and community managed forests for the long term maintenance of forest cover in the tropics. Through a meta-analysis of published case-studies, we compare land use/ cover change data for these two broad types of forest management and assess their performan...
Porter-Bolland, L.
Ellis, E.A.
Guariguata, M.R.
Ruiz Mallén, I.
Negrete-Yankelevich, S.
Reyes García, Victoria
[Community managed forests and forest protected areas: An assessment of their conservation effectiveness across the tropics]
Community managed forests and forest protected areas: An assessment of their conservation effectiveness across the tropics
Multiple-use forest management, which includes timber, non-timber forest products, and environmental services, is considered a promising tropical conservation and development strategy. In the tri-national frontier region of Madre de Dios (Peru), Acre (Brazil), and Pando (Bolivia) in Western Amazo...
Duchelle, Amy E.
Guariguata, M.R.
Less, G.
Albornoz, M.A.
Chavez, A.
Melo, T.
[Evaluating the opportunities and limitations to multiple use of Brazil nuts and timber in Western Amazonia]
Evaluating the opportunities and limitations to multiple use of Brazil nuts and timber in Western Amazonia
The “Proyecto Pavo” is a project dedicated to the conservation of the Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) through sustainable use of the species in multiple-use, community-managed forest concessions of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Petén, Guatemala. Since 2000, the project has conducted selecti...
Baur, E.H.
McNab, R.B.
Williams, L.E.
Ramos, V.H.
Radachowsky, J.
Guariguata, M.R.
[Multiple forest use through commercial sport hunting: lessons from a community-based model from the Petén, Guatemala]
Multiple forest use through commercial sport hunting: lessons from a community-based model from the Petén, Guatemala
Constraints in making multiple use forest management a more widespread land use type across the tropics still prevail. Technical and managerial capacities usually differ for different forest products, market opportunities and degrees of market knowledge. Local communities or small-scale forest op...
Guariguata, M.R.
Sist, P.
Nasi, R.
[Multiple use management of tropical production forests: How can we move from concept to reality?]
Multiple use management of tropical production forests: How can we move from concept to reality?
Guariguata, M.R.
Cronkleton, P.
Duchelle, Amy E.
Zuidema, P.A.
[Revisiting the 'cornerstone of Amazonian conservation': a socioecological assessment of Brazil nut exploitation]
Revisiting the 'cornerstone of Amazonian conservation': a socioecological assessment of Brazil nut exploitation
Rockwell, Cara A.
Guariguata, M.R.
Menton, M.
Arroyo Quispe, E.
Quaedvlieg, J.
Warren-Thomas, E.
Fernández Silva, H.
Jurado Rojas, E.E.
Kohagura Arrunátegui, J.A.H.
Meza Vega, L.A.
Revilla Vera, O.
Quenta Hancco, R.
Valera Tito, J.F.
Villarroel Panduro, B.T.
Yucra Salas, J.J.
[Nut Production in Bertholletia excelsa across a Logged Forest Mosaic: Implications for Multiple Forest Use]
Nut Production in Bertholletia excelsa across a Logged Forest Mosaic: Implications for Multiple Forest Use