The Atankwidi Catchment, which lies in the White Volta Basin in West Africa, is intensively cultivated by locals for economic gains. During dry seasons, farmers irrigate their crops, chiefly tomatoes, using shallow groundwater harvested from shallow ponds they dig using simple tools like an axe, ...
Barry, Boubacar
Kortatsi, B.
Forkuor, Gerald
Gumma, Murali K.
Namara, Regassa E.
Rebelo, Lisa-Maria
Berg, J. van den
Laube, W.
[Shallow groundwater in the Atankwidi catchment of the White Volta basin: Current status and future sustainability]
Shallow groundwater in the Atankwidi catchment of the White Volta basin: Current status and future sustainability
The majority Indian rural households depend for their livelihoods on the productivity of the farming systems. Almost universally, the yield gap between potential and achieved productivity is large, water and nutrient use efficiency is low and land degradation can be widely observed (Lobell et al....
Falk, T.
Kadiyala, M. D. M.
Gumma, Murali K.
Kumar, S.
Whitbread, Anthony M.
Limberger, S.
Bartels, L.
[Advancing knowledge on the costs and benefits of sustainable soil fertility management in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh /India.]
Advancing knowledge on the costs and benefits of sustainable soil fertility management in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh /India.
The Atankwidi Catchment, which lies in the White Volta Basin in West Africa, is intensively cultivated by locals for economic gains. During dry seasons, farmers irrigate their crops, chiefly tomatoes, using shallow groundwater harvested from shallow ponds they dig using simple tools like an axe, ...
Barry, Boubacar
Kortatsi, B.
Forkuor, Gerald
Gumma, Murali K.
Namara, Regassa E.
Rebelo, Lisa-Maria
Berg, J.van den
Laube, W.
[Shallow groundwater in the Atankwidi Catchment of the White Volta Basin: current status and future sustainability]
Shallow groundwater in the Atankwidi Catchment of the White Volta Basin: current status and future sustainability
Discharge from the Krishna River into the ocean decreased by 75 percent from 1960-2005, and was zero during a recent multi-year drought. This paper describes the physical geography and hydrology of the Krishna Basin, including runoff production and a basic water account based on hydronomic zones....