Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their polit...
Ritchie, B.
McDougall, C.
Haggith, M.
Burford de Oliveira, N.
[Criterios e indicadores de sustentabilidade em florestas manejadas por comunidades]
Criterios e indicadores de sustentabilidade em florestas manejadas por comunidades
Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their polit...
Ritchie, B.
McDougall, C.
Haggith, M.
Burford de Oliveira, N.
[Criteres et indicateurs de durabilite dans les paysages forestiers geres par les communautes: guide introductif]
Criteres et indicateurs de durabilite dans les paysages forestiers geres par les communautes: guide introductif
Will the practice of collecting wild honey wearing no clothes become a widespread practice in Zimbabwe? Or will beekeeping take over as the main way that people acquire honey? Both practices impact on forest resources; how can the foresters influence the uptake of these ideas?. This paper describ...
Haggith, M.
Prabhu, R.
Colfer, C.J.P.
Ritchie, B.
Thomson, A.
Mudavanhu, H.
[Infectious ideas: modelling the diffusion of ideas across social networks]
Infectious ideas: modelling the diffusion of ideas across social networks
Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their polit...
Ritchie, B.
McDougall, C.
Haggith, M.
Burford de Oliveira, N.
[Kriteria dan indikator kelestarian hutan yang dikelola oleh masyarakat (community managed forest)]
Kriteria dan indikator kelestarian hutan yang dikelola oleh masyarakat (community managed forest)
This paper explores the challenge of defining the scope of a systems model, emphasising three aspects: boundary, granularity and conceptual scope. The significance of these is illustrated by reference to a model of land-use decisions made in villages bordering on the Mafungautsi forest in zimbabw...
Haggith, M.
Prabhu, R.
Mudavanhu, H.
Matose, F.
Mutimukuru, T.
Nyirenda, R.
Standa-Gunda, W.
[The challenge of effective model scoping: a FLORES case study from the Mafungausti forest margins, Zimbabwe]
The challenge of effective model scoping: a FLORES case study from the Mafungausti forest margins, Zimbabwe
FLORES (the Forest Land Oriented Resource Envisioning System) was initially constructred by 50 people during a multidisciplinary workshop in Bukittinggi, Sumatra, in 1999. It proved that a model of a complex system could be constructed in a participatory way by a diverse team; that it could be do...
Vanclay, J.K.
Haggith, M.
Colfer, C.J.P.
[Participation and model-building: lessons learned from the Bukittinggi workshop]
Participation and model-building: lessons learned from the Bukittinggi workshop
Zimbabwe Forest Land Oriented Resource Envisioning System (ZimFlores) version 4 is the outcome of a participatory modelling process and seeks to provide a shared factual basis for exploring land-use options for the communal lands surrounding the Mafungautsi forest. The ZimFlores experience unders...
Prabhu, R.
Haggith, M.
Mudavanhu, H.
Muetzelfeldt, R.
Standa-Gunda, W.
Vanclay, J.K.
[ZimFlores: a model to advice co-management of the Mafungautsi forest in zimbabwe]
ZimFlores: a model to advice co-management of the Mafungautsi forest in zimbabwe
This short article describes an unlikely, but fruitful, collaboration between an anthropologist and an Artificial Intelligence researcher, the purpose of which was to build a model of how indigenous Dayak people in Kalimantan decide on their activities in the forest. The approach and the results ...
Idealisation is the process of finding simple representations of the real-world whilst conceptualising a model. There are three ways to limit complication in a model of a complex real-world: by focussing the scope of the modelling process onto a clearly defined issue; by idealising elements of th...
Haggith, M.
Prabhu, R.
[Unlocking complexity: the importance of idealisation in simulation modelling]
Unlocking complexity: the importance of idealisation in simulation modelling