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Se han encontrado 27 recursos
IITA's research in breeding cassava and sweet potato for resistance to pests and diseases of major economic importance in Africa is discussed under the headings: breeding cassava for resistance to pests (cassava green spider mite (Mononychellus progresivus and M. tanajoa) and cassava mealybug (Ph...
The aim of the workshop is to collect information on traditional African processing technologies with emphasis on cassava as a livestock feed, to review the marketing and economics of cassava by-products, to recommend strategies for future research and development on the processing and utilizatio...
There were many reports of shoot removal on yield of tuberous in cassava. However very little plant physiology research has been done to verify the cause of such yield reduction. The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of time of first hoot removal on the growth and development ...
Ha diversos resultados sobre a influencia negative da remocao dos rebentos no remindimento das raizes tuberosas da mandioca.noentanto,mutio pouco tem sido feito para verificar as causas dessas reduces no rendimento. O objective deste estudo foi ode investigar o effeito da epoca em que a primeira ...
Il ya plusieurs rapports sur l'influence negative de la recolre desfeuiles sur le rendement en raciness tubereuses du manioc, pourtant, peu de recherché a ete effecruee sur la physiologie de la plante pour elucider la cause de chute de rendement. Les objectifs de cette etude etaient d'etudier les...
Because of IITA's interest in cassava utilization by humans and livestock, selection for acyanogenesis will be an important objective of the cassava-breeding program. Selection for acyanogenesis will be based on finding cassava lines that lack the glucoside, glucosidase, and/or the glucoside and ...
A cause de l'interet que porte I'IITA a l'utilisation du manioc par I'homme et Ie betail, un objectif important de son programme de recherche sur la genetique du manioc visera a la selection de plants pour leur acyogenese. A cette fin, on tentera de decourvrir des Iignees de manioc depourvues de ...
The cassava diseases of major economic importance in Africa are cassava mosaic, bacterial blight, and anthracnose, and the major cassava pests are cassava mealybug and green spider mite. Methods of screening cassava breeding material for resistance to the diseases and pests in the light of factor...
En Afrique, les maladies et ennemis du manioc d'une grande imponance economique sontrespectivement la br0lure bacterienne, I'anthracnose et la mosai,que dans le premiercas et la cochenilledans le second. Des discussions ont eu lieu sur des m6thodes de s6lection du materiel genetique demanioc i la...
The constraint to the production of the root and tuber crops, cassava, yams and sweet potato in Nigeria and Africa were stated. Breeding methods most appropriate to these crops were discussed in terms of mating systems, creation of source populations, selection, and use of selections. Intervariet...
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