Six weight-classes of white guinea yam (Dioscòrea rotundata Poir.) setts—2–5, 5.01–10, 10.01–20, 20.01–30, 30.01–40, and 40.01–50 g—were presprouted in fresh, moist sawdust in open-air, propagation beds. The 2–5 g and 5.01–10 g classes were described as microsetts. Three natural groups patterned ...
Gyansa-Ameyyaw, C.E.
Hahn, S.K.
Álvarez, M.N.
Doku, E.V.
[Determination of optimum sett size for white guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) seed yam production: trends in sprouting in the presprout nursery and field performance]
Determination of optimum sett size for white guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) seed yam production: trends in sprouting in the presprout nursery and field performance
Lema, K.
Osiru, D.
Hahn, S.K.
[Effectiveness of the polyethylene plastic mulch as a control measure against sweet potato weevils (Cylas spp., Coleoptera: Curculionidae)]
Effectiveness of the polyethylene plastic mulch as a control measure against sweet potato weevils (Cylas spp., Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Kanno, H.
Dixon, A.
Asiedu, Robert
Hahn, S.K.
[Breeding for host plant resistance of cassava green spider mite (CGM) (Mononychellus tanajoa, Bondar) at IITA]
Breeding for host plant resistance of cassava green spider mite (CGM) (Mononychellus tanajoa, Bondar) at IITA
IITA's research in breeding cassava and sweet potato for resistance to pests and diseases of major economic importance in Africa is discussed under the headings: breeding cassava for resistance to pests (cassava green spider mite (Mononychellus progresivus and M. tanajoa) and cassava mealybug (Ph...
Hahn, S.K.
Caveness, F.E.
Lema, K.M.
Theberge, R.L.
[Breeding cassava and sweet potato for pest and disease resistance in Africa]
Breeding cassava and sweet potato for pest and disease resistance in Africa
The base section of the ACMV-susceptible clone 60506 recorded the highest disease incidence and severity relative to all other sections of the moderately resistant clone TMS 4(2)1425 and the resistant clone TMS 30001. However, in all clones, the base section recorded higher disease than either th...
Njock, T.E.
Atiri, G.
Thottappilly, G.
Hahn, S.K.
[Distribution and disease recovery of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) in stems of resistance and susceptible cassava]
Distribution and disease recovery of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) in stems of resistance and susceptible cassava
Because of IITA's interest in cassava utilization by humans and livestock, selection for acyanogenesis will be an important objective of the cassava-breeding program. Selection for acyanogenesis will be based on finding cassava lines that lack the glucoside, glucosidase, and/or the glucoside and ...
A cause de l'interet que porte I'IITA a l'utilisation du manioc par I'homme et Ie betail, un objectif important de son programme de recherche sur la genetique du manioc visera a la selection de plants pour leur acyogenese. A cette fin, on tentera de decourvrir des Iignees de manioc depourvues de ...
Sadik, S.
Hahn, S.K.
[Cyanide toxicity and cassava research at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria]
Cyanide toxicity and cassava research at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
Hahn, S.K.
Howland, A.K.
[Breeding for resistance to cassava mosaic: Conference Conference Proceedings of Cassava Mosaic Workshop, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-12 December, 1972]
Breeding for resistance to cassava mosaic: Conference Conference Proceedings of Cassava Mosaic Workshop, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 11-12 December, 1972
Hahn, S.K.
Howland, A.K.
Okoli, C.
[Breeding for resistance to cassava bacterial blight at IITA: Conference Conference Proceedings of the First Workshop on Cassava Bacterial Blight in Nigeria, Umudike, 28th April 1st May 1974]
Breeding for resistance to cassava bacterial blight at IITA: Conference Conference Proceedings of the First Workshop on Cassava Bacterial Blight in Nigeria, Umudike, 28th April 1st May 1974
The cassava diseases of major economic importance in Africa are cassava mosaic, bacterial blight, and anthracnose, and the major cassava pests are cassava mealybug and green spider mite. Methods of screening cassava breeding material for resistance to the diseases and pests in the light of factor...
En Afrique, les maladies et ennemis du manioc d'une grande imponance economique sontrespectivement la br0lure bacterienne, I'anthracnose et la mosai,que dans le premiercas et la cochenilledans le second. Des discussions ont eu lieu sur des m6thodes de s6lection du materiel genetique demanioc i la...
Hahn, S.K.
Caveness, F.E.
Terry, Eugene R.
Terry, Eugene R.
Oduro, K.A.
Leuschner, K.
Singh, T.P.
[Cassava improvement strategies for resistance to major economic diseases and pests in Africa]
Cassava improvement strategies for resistance to major economic diseases and pests in Africa
Mulching of yam seed beds reduced soil temperature and improved emergence, time of emergence, yield per hill and the total yield of Dioscorea rotundata yams on a sandy soil in Western Nigeria. Comparison of mounds with ridged and flat seed beds showed that these different treatments had no signif...
L'utilisation de paillis dans les lits de plantation reduit la temperature du sol et favorise la levee, Ie temps d'emergence, Ie rendement par poquet et Ie rendement global des ignames Dioscorea rotundata lorsqu'elles sont cultivees en sol sablonneux a I'Quest du Nigeria. Lorsque la comparaison a...
El cubrimiento de almacigos de name redujo la temperatura del suelo y mejore la emergencia, el tiempo de emergencia rendimiento por cepa y rendimiento total de name, Dioscorea rotundata, en un suelo arenoso de Nigeria Occidental. La comparacion de camas con almacigos alomados 0 pianos demostr6 qu...
Hahn, S.K.
Lal, R.
[Effect of method of seed bed preparation, mulching and time of planting on yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in Western Nigeri. In C.L.A. Leakey (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (p. 293-306)]
Effect of method of seed bed preparation, mulching and time of planting on yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in Western Nigeri. In C.L.A. Leakey (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (p. 293-306)