Diverses es peces d'ignames sont cultlvees da ns la "zone de civilisation de l'igname" en Afriq ue oeci dentale. Que ce soit au champ ou en entrepot, l'igname est exposee a des maladies provoquees par des virus, bacteries, champignons et nematodes. II est possible de lutter contre ces maladies gr...
Hahn, S.K.
[Lutte contre les maladies de ligname: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 39]
Lutte contre les maladies de ligname: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 39
Cassava is playing a major role in African food systems. Processing of cassava has several objectives and advantages. Traditionally, cassava is processed into many products. However, several constraints affect cassava processing. Cyanide content in the roots is a major limitation of cassava utili...
Hahn, S.K.
[Traditional processing and utilization of cassava in Africa: IITA research guide, No. 41]
Traditional processing and utilization of cassava in Africa: IITA research guide, No. 41
Yam is an important food crop, especially in the ‘yam zone' of West Africa. Total world production is about 20-25 million ton per annum, some 70 per cent of it grown in Nigeria. Although regarded mainly as a source of carbohydrate, some species are nearly as rich in protein as rice or maize.
Hahn, S.K.
Osiru, D.
Otoo, J.
Akoroda, M.O.
[Production of yams: present role and future prospect]
Production of yams: present role and future prospect