In 2014, Bioversity International and the ABS Capacity Building Initiative led a series of interactions on the mutually supportive implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) and the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing to the ...
Halewood, Michael
[Mutually supportive implementation of the Plant Treaty and the Nagoya Protocol A report on ‘The International Treaty and the Nagoya Protocol : A tandem workshop for National Focal Points’, 3 - 9 June 2014, FAO, Rome, Italy]
Mutually supportive implementation of the Plant Treaty and the Nagoya Protocol A report on ‘The International Treaty and the Nagoya Protocol : A tandem workshop for National Focal Points’, 3 - 9 June 2014, FAO, Rome, Italy
Halewood, Michael
[What kind of goods are plant genetic resources for food and agriculture? Towards the identification and development of a new global commons]
What kind of goods are plant genetic resources for food and agriculture? Towards the identification and development of a new global commons
The role of agricultural biodiversity for sustaining ecosystem services crucial for food and agriculture becomes particularly relevant in the face of climate change, and has been widely recognised as a central part of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) since the concept was first launched in 2010. ...
López Noriega, Isabel
Dawson, Ian K.
Vernooy, Ronnie
Köhler-Rollefson, Ilse
Halewood, Michael
[Agricultural diversification as an adaptation strategy]
Agricultural diversification as an adaptation strategy
This study presents and overview of the projects that have been funded by or proposed to the
Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture (ITPRFA). In particular, the study focusses on the technology transfer, capacity
building and ...
Galluzzi, Gea
López Noriega, Isabel
Halewood, Michael
[Non-monetary benefit sharing mechanisms within the projects funded by the Benefit Sharing Fund]
Non-monetary benefit sharing mechanisms within the projects funded by the Benefit Sharing Fund
The project “Strengthening national capacities to implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture” brings together partners from eight countries: Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Guatemala, Nepal, Rwanda and Uganda; and other organizations. T...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Halewood, Michael
Bioversity International
[Strengthening national capacities to implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Report of the research planning and training workshop, 2-4 May 2012]
Strengthening national capacities to implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Report of the research planning and training workshop, 2-4 May 2012
Les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture représentent un précieux héritage des peuples d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. La région est dotée d'agroécosystèmes diversifiés dont la diversité des cultures joue un rôle essentiel en contribuant à la fourniture de nourriture...
Halewood, Michael
Baidu-Forson, J.J.
Clancy, E.
Vodouhe, R.S.
Bioversity International
Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles
[La coopération pour le meilleur usage possible des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : un impératif régional]
La coopération pour le meilleur usage possible des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : un impératif régional
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, Isabel
[Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: an analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action]
Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: an analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action
As part of the Policy Action for Climate Change Adaptation (PACCA) project, this info note summarizes findings of a project activity entitled “Influencing and linking policies and institutions from national to local level for the development and adoption of climate‐resilient food systems in East ...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Jha Y
Ogwal-Omara R
Welch, E.
Seyoum Wedajoo A
Halewood, Michael
[Influence of social networks on the adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts]
Influence of social networks on the adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts
As part of the “Policy Action for Climate Change Adaptation” (PACCA) project this info note summarizes findings of a project activity entitled “Influencing and linking policies and institutions from national to local level for the development and adoption of climate‐resilient food systems in East...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Jha Y
Ogwal-Omara R
Welch, E.
Seyoum Wedajoo A
Halewood, Michael
[Adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts]
Adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts
Benin is located on the Guinean coast of West Africa and has a mixed tropical and sub-equatorial climate with two rainy seasons. Beninoise farmers practice mixed rain-fed crop and livestock farming. Climate change puts the country at risk of food insecurity. Since the 1960s the mean average tempe...
Otieno, Gloria
N’Danikou, Sognigbe
Bossou, Bienvenu
Mikpon, Toussaint
Vodouhe, Raymond
Recha, John W.M.
Halewood, Michael
[Enhancing the capacity of local communities to access crop genetic diversity for climate change adaptation]
Enhancing the capacity of local communities to access crop genetic diversity for climate change adaptation