Examines ILCA's research on forage legumes in the past few years; discusses the potential role of forage legumes in increasing crop-livestock productivity in sub-Saharan Africa; and outlines priorities for future research.
Nnadi, L.A.
Haque, I.
[Les legumineuses fourrageres dans les systemes Africains d'agriculture mixte]
Les legumineuses fourrageres dans les systemes Africains d'agriculture mixte
Summarises the role of molybdenum in soils and plants and its potential importance in livestock nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa. Discusses the functions of molybdenum in plants and animals, diagnosis including deficiency symptoms, soil testing & leaf analysis, molybdenum content of soils, factors...
Haque, I.
[Le molybdene dans les sols et les plantes et son importance dans la nutrition animale en Afrique subsaharienne]
Le molybdene dans les sols et les plantes et son importance dans la nutrition animale en Afrique subsaharienne
This paper looks at the applicability of three management oriented simulation models that are being evaluated by the environmental Sciences Division at ILCA. Basically the three models (CERES-maize NITROSIM and SCUAF) have been designed to simulate crop growth and development and crop yields, as ...
Saka, A.R.
Haque, I.
[Maize/Annual forage legumes mixed cropping systems: Characterizing water and Nitrogen dynamics in maize/vetch pure and mixed stands. II. Criteria for model selection and minimum data sets requirements for model use and verification]
Maize/Annual forage legumes mixed cropping systems: Characterizing water and Nitrogen dynamics in maize/vetch pure and mixed stands. II. Criteria for model selection and minimum data sets requirements for model use and verification
Haque, I.
Amare, T.
[Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Section. Objectives, history, achievements and current program]
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Section. Objectives, history, achievements and current program
Soil fertility is declining in most agro-ecosystems in sub-Saharan Africa, and incorporation of forage legumes into production systems to utilize the nitrogen fixed by the legumes could alleviate the problem, if efficient nitrogen-fixing legumes are used. The amounts of nitrogen fixed by Lablab, ...
Haque, I.
Lupwayi, N.Z.
[Nitrogen fixation by annual forage legumes and its contribution to succeeding wheat in the Ethiopian highlands]
Nitrogen fixation by annual forage legumes and its contribution to succeeding wheat in the Ethiopian highlands
Summarizes and discusses the results of an experiment carried out in 1983 with oats and Italian ryegrass on a soil with vertic properties near Debre Berhan area (Ethiopia) to examine the effects of improved drainage and fertilization (N/P).
Haque, I.
Jutzi, S.C.
[Effects of improved drainage and fertilization on the growth of Italian ryegrass and oats on a soil with vertic properties at Debre Berhan, Ethiopia]
Effects of improved drainage and fertilization on the growth of Italian ryegrass and oats on a soil with vertic properties at Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
Reports on the Nitrogen contribution of one forage and three grain legumes, viz, vetch (Vicia villosa), wheat, faba beans, peas & lentils, to a subsequent maize crop in the Ethiopian highlands.
Haque, I.
Jutzi, S.C.
[Nitrogen contribution of four legumes to a subsequent maize crop]
Nitrogen contribution of four legumes to a subsequent maize crop
Reports on the effects of a processed commercial phosphorus fertilizer compared with those of a relatively inexpensive rock phosphate on the growth of a native Ethiopian clover.
Haque, I.
Jutzi, S.C.
[Relative effectiveness of refined and rock phosphates on the growth of an African clover]
Relative effectiveness of refined and rock phosphates on the growth of an African clover
The majority of soils in Africa are P-deficient, but the high cost of conventional, water-soluble P fertilisers limits their use by resource-poor farmers. Rockphosphates are a low-cost alternative. The relative agronomic effectiveness of unacidulated (RP), 25 percent partially acidulated (PARP25)...
Haque, I.
Lupwayi, N.Z.
Ssali, H.
[Agronomic effectiveness of unacidulated and partially acidulated Minjingu rockphosphates on Stylosanthes guianensis]
Agronomic effectiveness of unacidulated and partially acidulated Minjingu rockphosphates on Stylosanthes guianensis
Cereal-legume intercrops are quite common in sub-Saharan Africa. However, most of the research in this area has concentrated on grain legumes or pasture grass-legume mixtures. More recently, attention has been called to the integration of forage legumes with livestock production. While it is know...
Nnadi, L.A.
Haque, I.
[Performance of forage legume-maize intercrops on an upland soil of Ethiopian highlands]
Performance of forage legume-maize intercrops on an upland soil of Ethiopian highlands