Vingt sept bovins de 2-4 ans, repartis en 3 lots ont ete soumis a 3 traitements (rations) pendant 11 semaines au cours de la saison seche 1996. Un lot temoin (Pn) etait nourri exclusivement sur parcours naturels par pature de 8h 6 18h. Un lot (Sm) recevait apres la pature un melange de son de mil...
Sangare, M.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Pandey, V.S.
[Influence de la supplementation en saison seche sur la nutrition des bovins et de recyclage des elements mineraux dans un systeme de production mixte culture-elevage du Sahel]
Influence de la supplementation en saison seche sur la nutrition des bovins et de recyclage des elements mineraux dans un systeme de production mixte culture-elevage du Sahel
In the Sahel, opportunistic resource management operates with communal access rights and land tenure systems that include particular access rights and land tenure systems that include particular access rights to key pastoral resources. The pastoral Development approaches attached to the concept o...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
[Implications of the 'new rangeland paradigm' for natural resource management]
Implications of the 'new rangeland paradigm' for natural resource management
Discussion sur l'integration agropastorale au Sahel, Mali, en vue d'analyser la pratique de la culture itinerante faisant alterner cultures et jacheres ayant un important role fourrager, l'observation de la structure de la vegetation herbacee et ligneuse ainsi que la mesure de leur biomasse sont ...
Cisse, M.I.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Diarra, L.
[Integration agro-pastorale au Sahel: Dynamique et potentiel fourrager des jacheres]
Integration agro-pastorale au Sahel: Dynamique et potentiel fourrager des jacheres
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Diarra, L.
[Is it possible to improve the traditional grazing management in the flood plain of the Niger river in central Mali?]
Is it possible to improve the traditional grazing management in the flood plain of the Niger river in central Mali?
Feed and grazing management affect both the quantity and quality of animal manure and consequently nutrient cycling in the mixed crop-livestock systems in West Africa Sahel. Dietary measures can significantly influence the composition of manure and hence it’s agricultural value. High nutrient fee...
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Sangare, M.
[Nutrient management in livestock systems in West Africa Sahel with emphasis on feed and grazing management]
Nutrient management in livestock systems in West Africa Sahel with emphasis on feed and grazing management
Evaluates relationship between NDVI (nomalized difference vegetation index) and above-ground biomass, between maximum NDVI and end-of-growing season biomass; and between the integral of the NDVI curve or NDVI increments overtime and actual biomass. Describes atmospheric interference and technical...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
[Vegetation monitoring by remote sensing: Progress in calibrating a radiometric index and its application in the Gourma, Mali]
Vegetation monitoring by remote sensing: Progress in calibrating a radiometric index and its application in the Gourma, Mali
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
[Encore une saison des pluies tres deficitaire sur le ranch de Niono (sud Sahel - Mali). Evolution de la vegetation d'une cinquantaine de sites suivis depuis 1976]
Encore une saison des pluies tres deficitaire sur le ranch de Niono (sud Sahel - Mali). Evolution de la vegetation d'une cinquantaine de sites suivis depuis 1976
To document trends in land use and herbaceous production, 71 field sites sampled among cropped fields, fallow fields and rangelands in the Fakara region (Niger) were monitored from 1994 to 2006. The overall trend in land use confirmed the historical increase of the cropped areas since mid 20th ce...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Kalilou, A.
Mougin, E.
Gerard, Bruno G.
Baup, F.
Grippa, M.
Djaby, B.
[Trends in productivity of crops, fallow and rangelands in Southwest Niger: Impact of land use, management and variable rainfall]
Trends in productivity of crops, fallow and rangelands in Southwest Niger: Impact of land use, management and variable rainfall