Cropping is responsible for substantial emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) worldwide through the use of fertilizers and through expansion of agricultural land and associated carbon losses. Especially in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA), GHG emissions from these processes might increase steeply in comi...
Loon, Marloes P. van
Hijbeek, Renske
Berge, Hein F.M. ten
De Sy, Veronique
Broeke, Guus A. ten
Solomon, Dawit
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Impacts of intensifying or expanding cereal cropping in sub‐Saharan Africa on greenhouse gas emissions and food security]
Impacts of intensifying or expanding cereal cropping in sub‐Saharan Africa on greenhouse gas emissions and food security
Cereals play a central role in food security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where they account for approximately 50% of caloric intake and total crop area. Cereal demand in the region is projected to nearly triple between 2015 and 2050 due to rapid population growth (van Ittersum et al. 2016). Incr...
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Hijbeek, Renske
Berge, Hein F.M. ten
Loon, Marloes P. van
Boogaard, Hendrik L.
Tesfaye, Kindie
[Minimum emission pathways to triple Africa’s cereal production by 2050]
Minimum emission pathways to triple Africa’s cereal production by 2050
Considering projected population trends, food requirements in East Africa will drastically increase in the coming decades (van Ittersum et al., 2016). One way to ensure supply will meet demand is by raising crop yields in the region. In East Africa, agricultural yields still have large potential ...
Hijbeek, Renske
Berge, Hein F.M. ten
Loon, Marloes P. van
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Developing a running prototype of a bio-economic farm model for a trade-off analysis of different nutrient management options for maize cultivation in East-Africa]
Developing a running prototype of a bio-economic farm model for a trade-off analysis of different nutrient management options for maize cultivation in East-Africa
In 2018, an experiment was run at the IOP farm in Tanzania. Four nutrient management treatments were combined factorial with two tillage options. The results show that the lowest maize yield was obtained under conventional tillage without fertilizer application, and the highest with reduced tilla...
Mtakwa, Peter
Brentrup, Frank
Assey, Peter
Loon, Marloes P. van
Hijbeek, Renske
Berge, Hein F.M. ten
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[D1940: Results from the Fertilizer demonstration experiment with maize at IOP Farm in Iringa, Tanzania in 2018]
D1940: Results from the Fertilizer demonstration experiment with maize at IOP Farm in Iringa, Tanzania in 2018
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing soil or biomass carbon stocks are the main agricultural pathways to mitigate climate change. Scientific and policy attention has recently turned to evaluating the potential of practices that can increase soil carbon sequestration. Forty perce...
Hijbeek, Renske
Loon, Marloes P. van
Wollenberg, Eva K.
White, Julianna M.
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: Key messages for climate change mitigation strategies]
Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: Key messages for climate change mitigation strategies
Nutrient limitation is a major constraint in crop production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Here, we propose a generic and simple equilibrium model to estimate minimum input requirements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for target yields in cereal crops under highly efficient management. The m...
Berge, Hein F.M. ten
Hijbeek, Renske
Loon, Marloes P. van
Rurinda, Jairos
Tesfaye, Kinde
Zingore, Shamie
Craufurd, Peter Q.
Heerwaarden, Joost van
Brentrup, Frank
Schröder, Jaap J.
Boogaard, Hendrik L.
Groot, Hugo L.E. de
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Maize crop nutrient input requirements for food security in sub-Saharan Africa]
Maize crop nutrient input requirements for food security in sub-Saharan Africa
Current initiatives to store carbon in soils as a measure to mitigate climate change are gaining momentum. Agriculture plays an important role in soil carbon initiatives, as almost 40% of the world’s soils are currently used as cropland and grassland. Thus, a major research and policy question is...
Hijbeek, Renske
Loon, Marloes P. van
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: trade-offs and opportunities]
Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: trade-offs and opportunities