Formal surveys are powerful tools in gathering information from farmers I order to arrive at wise decisions in the implementation of agriculture development projects. However, formal surveys must be used with common sense and a dedication to clear focus by gathering useful data. The temptation to...
Horton, D.
[Tips for planning formal farm surveys in developing countries: IITA research guide, No. 31]
Tips for planning formal farm surveys in developing countries: IITA research guide, No. 31
Mayanja, S.
Akello, B.
Horton, D.
Kisauzi, D.
Magala, D.
[Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).]
Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
Utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) is based on the principle that an evaluation should be judged by its utility. So no matter how technically sound and methodologically elegant, an evaluation is not truly a good evaluation unless the findings are used. UFE is a framework for enhancing the likel...
Working in partnership has become central in efforts to address complex environmental, socio-economic, and technological problems. The terms partner or partnership appear more than 100 times in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and more than 200 times in the version of the CGIAR's new St...
Horton, D.
Prain, G.
Thiele, Graham
[Perspectives on partnership: Highlights of a literature review]
Perspectives on partnership: Highlights of a literature review
Esta publicación incluye tres presentaciones realizadas en la Mesa Temática denominada “Experiencias latinoamericanas en la aplicación del enfoque de cadenas de valor inclusivas”, en el marco del SEPIA XVII. Como introducción se realiza un balance de los aportes que se discutieron en la Mesa Temá...
Ordinola, M.
Horton, D.
[SEPIA XVII Mesa Tematica: Experiencias latinoamericanas de aplicacion del enfoque de cadenas de valor inclusivas.]
SEPIA XVII Mesa Tematica: Experiencias latinoamericanas de aplicacion del enfoque de cadenas de valor inclusivas.
Ordinola, M.
Devaux, A.
Bernet, T.
Manrique, K.
López, G.
Fonseca, C.
Horton, D.
[The PMCA and potato market chain innovation in Peru.]
The PMCA and potato market chain innovation in Peru.
Horton, D.
Campilan, D.
Prasetya, B.
Gani, H.
Pakih, M.
[The PMCA, business development services and farmer business schools in Indonesia.]
The PMCA, business development services and farmer business schools in Indonesia.
Mayanja, S.
Akello, B.
Horton, D.
Kisauzi, D.
Magala, D.
[Building capacity for market-chain innovation in Uganda.]
Building capacity for market-chain innovation in Uganda.
Devaux, A.
Horton, D.
Ordinola, M.
Thiele, Graham
Thomann, A.
Velasco, C.
Andrade-Piedra, J.L.
[Brokering innovation for sustainable development: The Papa Andina case.]
Brokering innovation for sustainable development: The Papa Andina case.
Horton, D.
Rotondo, E.
Paz Ybarnegaray, R.
Hareau, G.
Devaux, A.
Thiele, Graham
[Lapses, infidelities, and creative adaptations: Lessons from evaluation of a participatory market development approach in the Andes.]
Lapses, infidelities, and creative adaptations: Lessons from evaluation of a participatory market development approach in the Andes.