Using two commercially available arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) products, one based on
Funneliformis mosseae and the other on Glomus dussii, an experiment was conducted to assess their
effect on yam growth and ability to suppress nematode damage in pots. Four yam cultivars (cvs) were
used: t...
Tchabi, A.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Ogunsola, B.
Lawouin, L.
Coyne, D.L.
Wiemken, A.
Oehl, F.
[Effect of two species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on development of micro-propagated yam plantlets and suppression of Scutellonema bradys (Tylenchideae)]
Effect of two species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on development of micro-propagated yam plantlets and suppression of Scutellonema bradys (Tylenchideae)
The role of infochemicals in mediating interactions between herbivores and their foraging natural enemies, mainly predators and parasitoids, is well established, but very little is known about infochemical use in interactions between herbivores and their sit-and-wait pathogens. This paper reviews...
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Sabelis, M.
Hanna, R.
[Role of infochemicals in the interaction between cassava green mites and its fungal pathogen Neozygites tanajoae]
Role of infochemicals in the interaction between cassava green mites and its fungal pathogen Neozygites tanajoae
A new arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal species of the genus Acaulospora (Glomeromycota) was frequently recovered from both undisturbed and cultivated agro-ecosystems of sub-Saharan West Africa, namely in Benin. It abundantly reproduced spores in trap cultures using Sorghum bicolor, Dioscorea ca...
Oehl, F.
Palenzuela, J.
Sánchez Castro, I.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Tchabi, A.
Lawouin, L.
Barea, J-M.
Coyne, D.L.
Silva, G.A. da
[Acaulospora minuta, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species from subSaharan savannas of West Africa]
Acaulospora minuta, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species from subSaharan savannas of West Africa
From a survey of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in agroecosystems in Central Europe and West Africa, an undescribed species of Acaulospora was recovered and is presented here under the epithet Acaulospora sieverdingii. Spores of A. sieverdingii are 60-80 μm in diam, hyaline to subhyaline to ra...
Oehl, F.
Sýkorová, Z.
Błaszkowski, J.
Sánchez Castro, I.
Coyne, D.L.
Tchabi, A.
Lawouin, L.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Silva, G.A. da
[Acaulospora sieverdingii, an ecologically diverse new fungus in the Glomeromycota, described from lowland temperate Europe and tropical West Africa]
Acaulospora sieverdingii, an ecologically diverse new fungus in the Glomeromycota, described from lowland temperate Europe and tropical West Africa
Tuber yields of yam (Dioscorea spp.), a main staple food in West Africa, are steadily declining per unit area, an incidence for which decreasing soil fertility due to increasing land pressure is largely blamed. Recent studies demonstrated the association of a plethora of arbuscular mycorrhizal fu...
Tchabi, A.
Coyne, D.L.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Lawouin, L.
Wiemken, A.
Oehl, F.
[Efficacy of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for promoting white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) growth in West Africa]
Efficacy of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for promoting white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) growth in West Africa
In the Gulf region, coconuts are almost exclusively produced from palms growing in the Sultanate of Oman, particularly in the extreme south-eastern coastal plain of the Dhofar Governorate, and specifically within the city limits of Salalah, between the Jebel and the sea. The importance of these c...
Perera, L.
Baudouin, L.
Bourdeix, R.
Bait Fadhil, A.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Al-Shanfri, A.
[Coconut palms on the edge of the desert: genetic diversity of Cocos nucifera L. in Oman]
Coconut palms on the edge of the desert: genetic diversity of Cocos nucifera L. in Oman
A new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus was isolated from the Southern Guinea savanna in Benin, which represents a tree-rich savanna in the transi-tion between the tropical atlantic rainforests and grass-rich savannas in sub-Saharan West Africa. The fungus was propagated in bait cultures and monospor...
Oehl, F.
Tchabi, A.
Silva, G.A.
Sánchez Castro, I.
Palenzuela, J.
Monte Junior, I.P. do
Lawouin, L.
Coyne, D.L.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
[Acaulospora spinosissima, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from the Southern Guinea Savanna in Benin]
Acaulospora spinosissima, a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from the Southern Guinea Savanna in Benin
Two Brazilian isolates and one Benin (indigenous) isolate of Neozygites floridana were released against the cassava green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa , in January 1999 in the Adjohoun district, Ouémé administrative region, Republic of Benin. Post-release monitoring conducted 8, 14, 22 and 36 week...
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Lomer, C.
Hanna, R.
Cherry, A.
Dara, S.K.
[Field Evaluation of Brazilian isolates of Neozygites foridana (Entomophthorales: Neozygitaceae) for the microbial control of cassava green mite in Benin, West Africa]
Field Evaluation of Brazilian isolates of Neozygites foridana (Entomophthorales: Neozygitaceae) for the microbial control of cassava green mite in Benin, West Africa
A new species of the arbuscular mycorrhiza forming Glomeromycetes, Racocetra tropicana,was recently recovered from the semi-humid Atlantic coast line of Northeastern Brazil and from sub-Saharan savannas of Benin (West Africa). It forms yellow to dark yellow glomerospores on (dark) yellow brown sp...
Goto, B.T.
Silva, G.A.
Maia, L.C.
Souza, R.G.
Coyne, D.L.
Tchabi, A.
Lawouin, L.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Oehl, F.
[Racocetra tropicana, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from tropical areas]
Racocetra tropicana, a new species in the Glomeromycetes from tropical areas
The cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar) (Acari: Tetranychidae) is one of the most important pests of cassava, a main staple food crop in Tanzania. The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (ETA) in collaboration with the Tanzania
National Biological Control P r o m (NBCP) ...
Pallangyo, B.
Hanna, R.
Toko, M.
Gnanvossou, D.
Mgoo, V.
Otema, M.
Onzo, A.
Hountondji, F.C.C.
Nsami, E.
Mfugale, O.
[Biological control of cassava green mite in Tanzania]
Biological control of cassava green mite in Tanzania