A scoping study to assess demand, opportunities and potential for the use of interactive radio to deliver climate services at scale for farmers and pastoralists was conducted by CCAFS in partnership with Farm Radio International in Tanzania, and Farm Radio Trust in Malawi in late 2014. Over 1280 ...
Hampson, Karen J.
Chapota, Rex
Emmanuel, Japhet
Tall, Arame
Huggins-Rao, Sheila
Leclair, Mark
Perkins, Kevin
Kaur, Harneet
Hansen, James
[Delivering climate services for farmers and pastoralists through interactive radio]
Delivering climate services for farmers and pastoralists through interactive radio
This paper focuses on how interactive radio programming can increase the reach of weather
and seasonal climate information and related advisory services. In doing so, they can enhance
small-scale farmers’ capacity to make optimal decisions and manage risks based on a better
understanding of proba...
Perkins, Kevin
Huggins-Rao, Sheila
Hansen, James
Mossel, J. van
Weighton L
Lynag S
[Interactive radio’s promising role in climate information services: Farm Radio International concept paper]
Interactive radio’s promising role in climate information services: Farm Radio International concept paper
On croit souvent que la radio est un média unidirectionnel ; African Farm Radio Research Initiative cherche au contraire à utiliser les TIC pour recueillir du contenu et diffuser ces informations aux communautés agricoles de toute l'Afrique rurale.
Radio is often considered to be a one-way medium, but the African Farm Radio Research Initiative is investigating ways of combining radio and ICTs to gather content and to share information among farming communities throughout rural Africa.