Brazil has a well-established political and regulatory framework aimed at promoting food and nutritional security. This framework represents an innovative and ethical social contract aimed at achieving social inclusion, sustainable livelihoods and citizenship. It includes the Food Acquisition Pro...
Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, D.
Hunter, D.
Neves Soares Oliveira, C.
Borelli, Teresa
Coradin, Lídio
[Opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into institutional food procurement programs in Brazil]
Opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into institutional food procurement programs in Brazil
Padulosi, S.
Sthapit, B.R.
Lamers, H.
Kennedy, G.
Hunter, D.
[Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture]
Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture
Hunter, D.
Borelli, Teresa
Beltrame, D.M.O.
Oliveira, C.N.S.
Coradin, Lídio
Wasike, V.W.
Wasilwa, L.
Mwai, J.
Manjella, A.
Samarasinghe, G.W.L.
Madhujith, T.
Nadeeshani, H.V.H.
Tan, A.
Tuğrul Ay, S.
Güzelsoy N.
Lauridsen, N.
Gee, E.
Tartanac, F.
[Potential of orphan crops for improving diets and nutrition]
Potential of orphan crops for improving diets and nutrition
Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, D.
Borelli, Teresa
Oliveira, C.
Coradin, Lídio
Hunter, D.
[Bridging the gap: building capacities and networks to analyze and use nutrient data on edible biodiversity in Brazil]
Bridging the gap: building capacities and networks to analyze and use nutrient data on edible biodiversity in Brazil
Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, D.
Hunter, D.
Neves Soares Oliveira, C.
Borelli, Teresa
Coradin, Lídio
[Opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into institutional food procurement programs in Brazil]
Opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into institutional food procurement programs in Brazil
The current ways that planetary resources are used to produce and consume food are raising significant concerns about the impact on nutrition, health and sustainability. A major reorientation of our food systems is needed in terms of both activities and governance. This paper describes the import...
Kennedy, G.
Hunter, D.
Garrett, J.
Padulosi, S.
[Leveraging agrobiodiversity to create sustainable food systems for healthier diets]
Leveraging agrobiodiversity to create sustainable food systems for healthier diets
This paper outlines the methodology for mainstreaming biodiversity developed by the Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Project (BFN), a multi-country initiative led by Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey. BFN explored the nutritional properties of traditional and/or neglected native edible speci...
Beltrame, D.
Gee, E.
Guner, B.
Lauridsen, N.
Samarasinghe, W.L.G.
Wasike, V.
Hunter, D.
Borelli, Teresa
[Mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into policies and practice: methodologies and lessons learned from four countries]
Mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into policies and practice: methodologies and lessons learned from four countries
This paper asserts that schools offer a unique platform from which to realize multiple benefits for children and their communities, while helping to achieve the SDGs. Furthermore, schools can exert influence beyond the student population, serving as a foundation for the involvement of teachers, p...
Hunter, D.
Giyose, B.
PoloGalante, A.
Tartanac, F.
Bundy, D.
Mitchell, A.
Moleah, T.
Friedrich, J.
Alderman, A.
Drake, L.
Kupka, R.
Marshall, Q.
Engesveen, K.
Oenema, S.
[Schools as a system to improve nutrition: A new statement for school-based food and nutrition interventions]
Schools as a system to improve nutrition: A new statement for school-based food and nutrition interventions
The Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Initiative (BFN Project) uses indigenous food biodiversity as a lens to address malnutrition, farmer livelihood resilience, and sustainability. Since 2012, the initiative has pioneered a cross-sectoral, partner-based approach to document and share informati...
Hunter, D.
Borelli, Teresa
Olsen Lauridsen, N.
Gee, E.
Rota Nodari, G.
Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, D.
Oliviera, C.
Wasike, V.W.
Samarasinghe, G.
Tan, A.
Güner, B.
[Biodiversity mainstreaming for healthy & sustainable food systems: A toolkit to support incorporating biodiversity into policies and programmes]
Biodiversity mainstreaming for healthy & sustainable food systems: A toolkit to support incorporating biodiversity into policies and programmes
Hunter, D.
Borelli, Teresa
Dulloo, Ehsan
[Plants of the past, or crops for the future: Biodiversity for food and nutrition is central to the 2030 agenda on sustainable development]
Plants of the past, or crops for the future: Biodiversity for food and nutrition is central to the 2030 agenda on sustainable development